🌹Rigorous tradition🌹

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~Ame's P.O.V


I keep staring between my friends and the delinquents real nervously as if a fight is going to break out. I don't know what their problem is but it's about time I step in!

"Can we chill out? Look, I'm sorry I bumped into you and ruined your carbonara, alright? It was just an accident." I say as I step in front of the delinquents.

"That doesn't even cut it!" The white-haired delinquent snaps at me before his eyebrows furrow with suspicion. "Say, aren't you the girl from the entrance ceremony that can't use magic?"

"Yeah. So?" I answer bluntly while keeping my guard up.

"Unlike those guys from Pomefiore dorm, you're one of the prettiest faces we've seen around here." The red-haired delinquent says with a smug grin making me shudder.

"Why don't you ditch those guys and come hang with us, Cutie?" The white-haired delinquent suggests and places his hand on my back causing me to growl in distaste.

Yeah, I don't think so, pal!

"Hey! Get your hands off of her!" Deuce grits his teeth in anger and quickly jerks his arm away from my shoulder.

"Back off!" Ace adds on glaring at the delinquents while they stand in front of me protectively.

"You stay away from my minion!" Grim growls.

"Excuse me, would you hold this for me?" I ask one of the chef ghosts in the cafeteria and he nods happily before taking my tray of food. "Thanks." Then, I walk past Ace and Deuce so I'm in front of the delinquents. "So you guys are from Heartslabyul, right? Well, let me speak in a better language that you might understand better." I say as a sadistic smile slowly starts to form on my lips. Ace, Deuce, and Grim stood by wondering what I'll say next. "My familiar spotted that grilled chicken first fair and square so it is his. But your way of showing us proper behavior....I think it's a complete total eyesore. You're such a shitty excuse for a couple of seniors who can't even give us real respect; instead, you overreacted over a stupid broken egg in your carbonara then insisted on wanting the grilled chicken that I already paid for! You guys call yourselves seniors?...So lame." I can tell they're in utter shock from my insult causing me to hide my smirk. "In fact, I wonder what your dorm leader might think if he found out that you guys hit a girl right in front of the whole lunch crowd." I quickly cut them off before they had a chance to retort as Ace, Deuce, and Grim stare at me astounded with their jaws all slack. "And besides, you wouldn't hit an innocent girl like me, would you?" I look up at them and give them puppy-dog eyes while putting on a cute face.

The two delinquents were taken aback as a slight blush appears on their faces.

"T-that's.." The white-haired delinquent stutters out trying to form words.

"Dude, think about this! If the dorm leader ever finds out, he'll have our heads!" The red-haired delinquent looks over at his friend with a sweatdrop.

It takes him a few seconds to process what I said until he finally decides to give in. "Tch, fine. Let's get out of here." He clicks his tongue in annoyance.

"My pasta's getting soggy so I'll let you off easy!" The red-haired delinquent scoffs before he and his friend walk away.

"Wow, Ame! You really showed them who's boss!" Grim hops onto my shoulder and smiles along with Ace and Deuce who stare at me impressed.

"That's why you should never mess with a lady." I say confidently with a close-eyed smile. They should really think twice before messing with someone like us.

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