🌹Legends of the Great Seven!🌹

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~Ame's P.O.V


"What are the other dorms like?" Grim asks in curiosity and I stare at them in wonder.

"Like Cater just said, there are seven dorms each emulating one of the Great Seven." I drink my iced coffee while I pay attention to Trey explaining the other dorms. "Our dorm, Heartslabyul, is founded on the strict spirit of the Queen of Hearts. Next is...Savanaclaw, the dorm founded on the fortitude of the King of Beasts. Octavinelle, the dorm founded on the benevolence of the Sea Witch. Scarabia, the dorm founded on the deliberation of the Sorcerer of the Sand. Pomefiore, the dorm founded on the strenuous efforts of the Beautiful Queen. Ignihyde, the dorm founded on the diligence of the King of the Underworld. And, Diasomnia, the dorm founded on the elegance of the Witch of Thorns."

"There are so many." My face lights up in awe at their names. But then, it quickly turns blank. 'I don't know if I can remember them all..'

"Their names are too long! No way I'm gonna remember all of that!" Grim utters out in shock.

Upon hearing that, Cater laughs slightly at the reactions on our faces. "Ahaha! Just get the rough idea. You'll remember them eventually." He reassures us making me sigh in relief.

"Which dorm you enter is based on the judgement of the Dark Mirror when it looks at your soul during the entrance ceremony...so each dorm has their own quirks about them." Trey explains.

"You're right about that. I totally see it." Cater agrees.

"What...quirks?" Deuce asks in confusion at what he meant by quirks when Trey answers for him.

"For example...look, over there." Trey gestures to one of the tables and we look to see a tall tan-skinned male with silver hair wearing a yellow and black armband on his arm.

While I was staring at the silver-haired male, I notice the wolf ears and bushy tail with black tips on them. "He's got dog ears?!" If he has dog ears, is he a half-furry or something?!

"That rugged look definitely means Savanaclaw." Trey says.

"Totally! That dorm has a lot of people good at sports and martial arts. They're the buff and gruff big bro types? Savanaclaw wears yellow and black armbands." Cater explains.

"Hooo. Then, what about that guy with the grey and lavender thing on his arm?" Grim asks and points at another table across from us.

I glance at the male with the grey and lavender armband sitting with two other guys who appeared to be twins. When I recognize the glasses and silver-colored hair, I gasp in realization. 'I remember him! He was at the entrance ceremony when he partnered up with Riddle trying to catch Grim!'

"He's from Octavinelle." Trey answered. "At the table in front of us, the guys with the dark red and yellow are from Scarabia." We look over at the table in front of us to see the same white-haired male in a white turban from the entrance ceremony that I saved along with another tan-skinned male sitting next to him. He has piercing grey eyes and long black hair in a low ponytail with sideswept bangs. Half of his hair is parted into cornrows and braids on one side while the rest of his hair and bangs is straight. He wears a maroon-colored sweatshirt over his blazer with black flame designs on the bottom.

"They say both of them are really smart. Those two dorms are in dead heat during written tests. Though, the Scarabia dorm leader isn't that great at studying." Cater admits.

"We're getting completely derailed." Ace trails off knowing they're breaking this conversation off-topic.

"You sure adapt quick." Trey said. "Back to what we were saying, over there, practically sparkling, are members of Pomefiore. They have a purple and red armband."

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