🐈‍⬛A cruel answer🐈‍⬛

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~Ame's P.O.V

(Meanwhile in the Mirror Chamber)

Just when the entrance ceremony was gonna end smoothly for them...this happens.

Yep...me not being assigned to a dorm in an all-boys school, revealed myself as a girl to the entire group of 1st years, and Grim broke loose and the blue flames are still spreading in the room like wildfire.

I quickly look over at the male with his butt on fire and I knew I had to do something to help.

"Don't worry, I gotcha!" I rush over to him and pull him down so he's on the ground. I use part of my robe to throw it over the spot that's on fire and pat it down until it's out.

When the fire's gone, the male in the turban sighs in relief. "Whew! That's better, thanks a lot." He turns to me with a grin making me smile back.

"You're welcome." I reply with a close-eyed smile. I offer my hand to the white-haired male and he takes it while pulling himself back on his feet.

I stay back with the white-haired male on the sidelines as I watch Riddle and Azul work together to stop Grim from ruining the ceremony any further. They chase him by using their magic pens to send out various attacks to slow him down.

"OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" Riddle shouts and points his magic pen at Grim. I gasp as a heart-shaped collar appears around his neck. One half is red and one half is black with gold outlines and a keyhole on the front.

"Nygah! The heck is this?!" Grim tries to remove the collar but fails.

"Laws of the Queen of Hearts #23: One shall never bring a cat into a festival. You being a cat means you've broken the rule..I shall have you leave at once." Riddle states.

"Whoa, that's amazing!" I say to myself in amazement.

Grim grunts in frustration. "I'm not a cat!!" Uh, technically you are a cat. "I'll burn this collar right up and.." He tries to breathe out more flames but nothing comes out. "E-eh? I can't use my fire!"

"Hmph! You won't be using any magic until I remove the collar. Just like an ordinary house cat." Riddle smirks with his hands on his hips.

"Wh-what?! I'm not some pet!" Grim retorts.

"Don't worry, I'd never keep a pet like you. I'll take it off anyway when you get thrown out." Riddle said.

"Wow, as wonderful as ever! Any and all magic gets sealed by your unique magic, Riddle." Azul says impressed with a close-eyed smile. "I want it...no. I wouldn't ever want that cast on me."

I kept staring at Grim as he still struggles with the collar until Crowley turns to me with a furious expression.

"You must do something about this! It is your familiar!" Crowley scolds me making my face quiver with a sweatdrop. Why the heck is he blaming me for?! It wasn't even mine to begin with! "Properly discip-"

"IT ISN'T MINE!" I yell cutting him off feeling irritated while clenching my fists.

"Eh? It's not yours?" Crowley blinks his eyes in confusion.

"Whoa! That's girl's got spunk." The brown-haired male with the scar smirks.

"I've never seen it before. That's what I've been trying to tell you but you didn't listen to me." I explain while calming myself down.

"Y-you did?" He asks before clearing his throat. "Anyway, let's get it out of the school at any rate. We won't turn you into stew. For I am gracious." Is that last sentence at the end his trademark or something? "Someone help, please?"

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