🌹Garden Scarlet🌹

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~Ame's P.O.V

(Hall of Mirrors)

Ace, Deuce, Grim, and I have decided to go to Heartslabyul so Ace can find Riddle and apologize to him so he can get the collar removed. But, I wonder how Ace's apology will turn out? This won't be easy.

We walk over to the mirror that's decorated with spade-shaped spears and Heartslabyul's symbol on top along with playing cards around the edges of the mirror. I step inside the mirror and it glows brightly as we travel right through it.


(Heartslabyul Dorm)

When we step out of the mirror, we arrived at Heartslabyul in a rose maze garden filled with roses all over the place.

"Wow! So this is Heartslabyul!" I look around in awe to see Heartslabyul's dorm emblem hanging on the lamppost, heart-shaped topiaries with red roses on each side of the walkway, and a water fountain in front of the dorm

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"Wow! So this is Heartslabyul!" I look around in awe to see Heartslabyul's dorm emblem hanging on the lamppost, heart-shaped topiaries with red roses on each side of the walkway, and a water fountain in front of the dorm. My eyes widen in amazement at the actual building which is a red castle with white accents and a heart-shaped entryway that leads inside along with heart and diamond-shaped windows.

"Howoah!" This is gorgeous! It couldn't be more different from ours!" Grim smiles marveling at the dorm around us.

"Ours is still in development, you know." I say as we walk throughout the dorm hoping we can find somebody on where we can find Riddle.


(Heartslabyul Dorm- Rose Maze)

"Crap, crap. I've gotta get these roses painted!"

A voice can be heard from inside the rose maze garden making Grim's ears perk up.

"Oh, somebody is here." Grim said and I look over at one of the rose bushes to see a guy with a paintbrush and a bucket of paint in his hands. He has wavy orange hair in a pompadour ponytail, green eyes, and a small red diamond on his right cheek.

The orange-haired male stops painting when he notices me, Grim, Ace, and Deuce walking over. "Oh, watch out. Any paint splatters and my head is gone." He points out.

I stare at the garden with the hedge-like maze and the rose bushes with curiosity on my face. "I feel like I've seen this before..." I mutter quietly to myself so nobody could hear.

"...Hm? Do you all need something?" The orange-haired male asks with a puzzled look.

"What are you doing with that?" Ace was the one to ask first and points at the paintbrush in his hand.

"This? As you can see, I'm painting the roses red." He answers.

"Eh? Why would you?" Deuce replies in confusion.

"Hmm, your fresh reaction is so cute!" The orange-haired male says with a close-eyed smile. "Now that I take a good look at you, you're the freshmen that busted the 10,000,000 madol chandelier yesterday."

"We're gonna hear about the chandelier until the day we graduate..." Ace groans with a dark aura surrounding him, me, Grim, and Deuce.

Or in this year's school yearbook...

"And you're the one who added more punishment by stealing the dorm leader's tart last night!" The orange-haired male stares at Ace with a excited smile. "I feel so lucky getting to meet the notorious newcomers first thing in the morning. Hey, hey, hey, let's take a selfie! Yaaay!" Suddenly, he approaches closer to us before pulling out his phone and takes a group selfie as the flash goes off on his camera making me startle. "Can I put this on Magicame? Tell me your names so I can put you in the tags." He went to his phone and asks for our names.

"I'm Deuce Spade." Deuce gives out his name as the male types it in.

"Ace." Ace does the same thing with his name.

"Grim and my hench-" Right as Grim was about to give out our names, I react quickly and slap my hand over his mouth to prevent him from saying that nickname he calls me.

"Ame. My name's Ame." I say and Grim looks over beside me in annoyance.

The orange-haired male nods as he continues typing on his phone. "Hoi, upload finished! Ah, I'm your senpai, 3rd year: Cater Diamond. Call me, Cater. Cay is fine too. Nice to meetcha~" Cater introduces himself while tucking his phone away in his pocket and flashes us a peace sign.

"Nice to meet you, too." I reply with a casual smile causing him to notice me.

"Ah, you're the supervisor from the Ramshackle dorm I heard about. Good on you, living in a place like that! It's super dark and you can't get a good Magicame in there. You have my sympathy." Cater said.

"This guy is really running his mouth." Grim snickers.

"Ah, I don't have any time for small talk! The party is in two days. I don't wanna lose my head for being late. Hey, you guys, will you help me paint the roses?" Cater asks us knowing he's in a rush.

"But why are you doing something so weird?" Ace asks crossing his arms across his chest.

"Red roses at a party are the most photogenic! I guess? I've also got to change the flamingo's colors for the croquet match, so I'm busy with all this work." Cater states.

Wait a minute...they paint flamingos here?

"You're changing the flamingo's colors?! Your chores are so weird." Grim deadpans.

"So the tart that Ace ate was going to be used for the dorm leader's birthday party. That's why he was so mad..." Deuce says.

"That's what Ace, Grim, and I thought about when he explained to us how he got collared." I recall the story that Ace told us last night.

Cater shakes his head in denial. "Nope? That's not it."

"It's not?! Then, who's birthday is it?" Ace asks.

"It's not anyone's birthday. The day after tomorrow is our dorm's traditional Unbirthday Party. The dorm leader choses a random day that isn't anyone's birthday and we have a tea party." Cater explains.

"The heck is that?!" Ace replies but Cater quickly changes the subject, brushing off his question.

"Later, worry about the reason later! All you have to do now is make the roses red! Deuce, Grim, you two can do it with magic. Ace, Ame, since you can't use magic, here's some paint." Cater says hurriedly and gets us set up to work. He hands me and Ace a bucket of red paint with paintbrushes inside.

"We can change the color with magic..." Deuce says and takes out his magic pen.

"I've never done anything like that." Grim states.

"Okay, if fine, just relax! We'll figure it out! We better hurry if we don't wanna lose our heads to the dorm leader~" Cater reassures us as he walks back to the rose bush he was working on and continues to paint the roses.

I could tell by the look on Cater's face that he was really in a hurry to get this done. When he gave me and Ace the brushes and paint, I starting to understand the situation that Ace is in because he won't be using his magic. Well, I know I don't want to get collared by Riddle. So I snap out of my thoughts and walk towards one of the rose bushes and get to work on painting the roses red.



So it looks like they got a job to do and that's painting the roses red. I hope they do a good job if they don't want to lose their heads to Riddle like Ace did.

I can't imagine how having a heart-shaped collar around your neck feels like.

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