🐈‍⬛Crowley's challenge🐈‍⬛

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~Ame's P.O.V


Grim sends out one more blast of fire and the ghosts slowly start to back away from us after being hit by the blue flames.

"Hee, heeeeeeee! WE'RE GONERS! RUN AWAY!!" The three ghosts cry out with fears on their faces and we watch them retreat down the hall before disappearing into thin air.

That's right, you better run!

"E-eh? We...won?" Grim asks feeling exhausted trying to catch our breath.

I couldn't believe it as my eyes lighten up and raise my fists in excitement. "We did it, Grim! Thanks so much!" I pick him up and hug him.

"Ha-hee...that was sc...no, I wasn't scared at all! This is nothing for the Great Grim!" Grim smiles sheepishly before turning back to the hallway. "How bout' that, ghosts? You done?" Grim cups his paws around his mouth and taunts with a smug grin making me laugh.

"Yeah! You tell them, Grim!" I scratch behind his ears with a toothy smile.

"Good evening. I have graciously brought you supper." Crowley suddenly shows up from out of nowhere with two bags in his hands until he notices Grim. "You're the monster that ran amuck during the entrance ceremony! I threw you out of the school. What are you doing here!?" He asks in disbelief.

"Hmph! I exterminated the ghost problem! Be grateful!" Grim answers while he crosses his arms across his chest.

"Nn? What do you mean by that?" Crowley hums in confusion and I tell him everything that happened with the ghosts. "Now that you mentioned it, there were some prankster ghosts living here so students keep away from this dormitory and that's why it's now empty. I'd forgotten that." Crowley states with his hand on his chin. "However, huummm...for you two to work together to get rid of them."

"I'm not gonna overlook that together comment. She was just standing there watching and I did this for a can of tuna." Grim comments. "Ah! I haven't gotten that tuna yet!"

Hey, I literally did not have any magic to do it! Okay? You don't have to rub it in!

"I'd like the two of you to show me how you exterminated those ghosts." Crowley said which made Grim and I stare at each other in confusion.

"But, we already gotten rid of all the ghosts! Before that: Give. Me. Tuna!" Grim said and demands while emphasizing each word.

Chill out, Grim! You'll get your tuna can eventually!

"I shall be the ghosts. If you beat me, I'll give you tuna cans. For I am gracious." Crowley offers with a generous smile and pulls out a small bottle from his pocket. "Transformation potion!" He gulps down the potion and in an instant, he transforms himself into a small ghost.

"Eeeeeh. I don' wanna. This is a pain and I have to team up with her again..." Grim whines in annoyance in absolute boredom not wanting to bust another ghost.

I stare at Grim and I got another idea in mind. "Grim, this might be a chance for you to get into the school! And, you'll also get another can of tuna if you'll help me." A smirk appears on my face at the last part I said.

Grim hears this and he starts to give himself in. "Grrnuu...this is the last time! You absolutely, absolutely, have to give me tuna!!" He reminds me and his face tells me that he's dead serious about wanting his reward.

"Okay, okay, it's a deal!" I remind him and we stare back at a ghost version of Crowley.

This is gonna be a long night.



I feel positively bad for Grim for not getting his tuna yet. But, we'll make it up to him somehow...eventually.

This chapter kinda feels like you're in a Ghostbusters movie or something.

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