🐈‍⬛A dorm and a ghostly scare🐈‍⬛

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~Ame's P.O.V

The walk to the old dorm didn't take as long as I thought it would

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The walk to the old dorm didn't take as long as I thought it would. When we arrived, I stare at the dorm in awe which looks like a haunted house from an old Halloween cartoon I would watch with my cousins.

The windows are boarded up with a few lights on inside and some dead trees with a cobweb hanging from one of them. The gate is cracked open ajar, the lamps on the front steps still work but one is missing at the entrance, and a shovel leans against the crooked wrought iron fence.

"That's..too much charm." Looks like he wasn't lying after all.

"Right, right. Please come inside." Crowley nods with a close-eyed smile. He opens the gate and we walk up the steps before he unlocks the double doors.


As we step inside, the entire place looks dark and completely abandoned as if nobody ever lives here. Right when you walk in, there's a hallway on the left and a staircase that leads upstairs. Despite the dust hanging around, the wallpaper is ripped in some places, pictures hanging crooked on the walls, small furniture like a coatrack, a rug, and a vase are scattered on the floor.

We walk into a lounge area that looks like a mess. I look around to see more crooked pictures, ripped green wallpaper, a missing light fixture from beside the door, a rocking chair and a coffee table laying face down, dirty couches and window curtains, a green rug that's rolled up halfway, books and firewood on the floor, a dirty fireplace, and more cobwebs.

Man, this place can really use some work. Like, literally!

"Staying here will at least keep you out of the rain." Crowley said. "I'm going back to do more research. Make yourselves at home. Don't go wandering around the school! Goodbye!" He tells me before leaving the dorm.

I search the room for a light switch until I found one and turn it on. "Good thing the lights still work." I say and walk over to a couch by the window. "Geez, this dust really looks like snow." I dust off the couch when suddenly it began to rain making me stare out the window. "It's raining..."

Well, at least I have someplace to spend the night. That's the least of my worries.

"Hyiii! It's really coming down!"

I hear a familiar voice and turn around to see Grim standing behind me making me yelp. "Gah!"

"Gyahaha! You've got this stupid look on your face like a spider being attacked with a water gun!" Grim laughs with a toothy smile.

"What are you doing here and how did you get in? I thought those first years threw you out?" I ask in confusion.

"I'll have no trouble sneaking back into school. Come on, come on. If you think getting thrown out is gonna make me give up on getting in, you've got another thing coming!" Grim answers.

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