🌹Dead of night hanging🌹

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~Ame's P.O.V

(Ramshackle Dorm- Our room)

Everything seems quiet with silence filling the room as Grim and I are sound asleep from battling the monster in the Dwarf's Mine with Ace and Deuce.

I was still sleeping when the mirror hanging over the fireplace suddenly begins to glow a bright white light and it starts to engulf me completely.


Once the light dies down, my eyes open and I look down to feel the lush green grass underneath my feet; even though I'm still in my pjs.

Am I...inside of a dream?

"Where am I?" I look around to see I'm outside in a garden with a hedge maze with heart-shaped topiaries on some of them and heart-shaped bushes with beautiful white roses on it.

'This is one odd garden..but the roses are beautiful!' This has to be the rose maze that Ace was talking about!

"Hurry and paint the roses red."

"Hurry before the flowers wither."

I see a few card soldiers at one of the rose bushes as they use paintbrushes to paint the white roses one-by-one while carrying buckets of red paint.

'This is so strange. Can they see me or hear me?' It's like they don't realize I'm here.

"Hurry, hurry! We have to paint them all red!" An Ace of Clover card says while painting faster.

"Paint...the roses?" I mutter to myself in confusion until my eyes catch onto a girl walking towards the card soldiers.

She had long blonde hair with a black headband and wears a blue knee-length puffed sleeve dress with a pinafore worn over the top, white stockings, and black ankle-strap shoes.

Wait...is that..Alice?!

"Why do you have to paint the white roses red?" The girl known as Alice, asks them and they stare at her at her question.


"Why you ask? The truth is..we made a mistake and grew white ones." An Two of Clover card answers.

"The Queen loves red. If she sees white, she'll have our heads!" An Ace of Clover card adds on while gripping his paintbrush with fear in his voice.

"Really?" Alice says.

A Three of Clovers card stares at Alice and responds with a nod while painting a rose. "That's right. Therefore, we're painting the roses."

As I watch Alice and the card soldiers paint the roses, everything around me turns pitch black and everything disappears.


I stir under the covers until I wake up to find myself back in my room with Grim still sleeping next to me.

"Where am I exactly? Wasn't I just asleep in the dorm...?" I ask myself softly while running a hand through my hair but I decide to lay down and go back to sleep.

Just what was that dream?


(Time skip)

*Knock knock

A couple of hours have passed and I slowly open my eyes with a yawn escaping from my mouth. "That was a really strange dream..." I mutter and I start to hear something outside.

*Knock knock

"Munyaa...hey, you. Sounds like we have a late night visitor." Grim says as he wakes up with a tired look on his face by the sound of someone knocking on the door. "What? Is it those ghosts again? They don't know when to quit."

"I doubt it. Let's go see." I slide off the bed and the both of us went to see who it is.


"Who would come over this late?" I ask myself in confusion as Grim and I walk down the hall to the front door. It couldn't be Moe, Stretch, and Fatso. They wouldn't prank us this late at night, they're probably sleeping by now. Wait, do ghosts even sleep? I don't know. I walk up to the door. "Hello, who is it?" I call out and a voice greets me on the other side.

"...It's me, Ace. Let me in."

Ace? What is he doing here?

I unlock the door and open it to see Ace with a sour expression on his face. But, I gasp when I see the same heart-shaped collar around his neck.

"Ace? What're you doing this late..." Grim asks but his face contorts into shock when he spots something around his neck. "Gehgeh! You have a collar!!"

"What happened to you?" I ask him in worry as he walks in and I close the door.

"I'm never going back to Heartslabyul. Starting today, I'm joining your dorm!" Ace declares with his hands on his hips which made us taken aback in shock.

"Come again?!"

"Say what?!"

Looks like he's got some explaining to do.



Well, our first chapter of Heartslabyul is underway and things have just gotten unexpected.

Our first dream and now Ace is at  Ramshackle with a collar on for some reason. We'll just have to see what happened to him in the next chapter.

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