🌹Lunchtime ruckus🌹

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~Ame's P.O.V


So, you guys remember Ace and Deuce will help me catch Grim if I go and buy them a chocolate croissant and an ice latte from the cafeteria, right? Yeah, that was it! And it turns out they finally caught Grim before the headmaster found out. If the headmaster did find out I lost Grim the second time while he's trying to skip class, oh man! I would've gotten a hit from Crowley's Lash of Love.

"No way, no way! No way I'm going back to those boring classes!" Grim protests while he struggles to break free as we walk through the courtyard and back inside the school.

I keep a tight hold on Grim as I carry him in my arms. "Then, you won't become a great wizard if you skip." I furrow my eyebrows at the cat and scold him.

"Dammit! You're being extra strict today!" Grim replies with frustration in his voice.

I'm just doing my job. I am the supervisor of our dorm and I'm still keeping an eye on you. Got it?


(Time skip)


"It's finally lunch time!" Grim smiles as we enter the cafeteria which is packed with students from sitting at the tables to waiting in line. "Uwaah! Everything always looks so good here!" Grim marvels at the food on the buffet with stars in his eyes making me chuckle.

"Pretty amazing that they have a buffet." I smile awestruck.

There's so much to choose from, I can't decide what I want! That really makes me wish they have something like that back in my school in my world.

Grim jumps on my shoulder with his mouth drooling. "Fluffy omurice! Grilled chicken and bacon egg tarts!!!!!!!!"

"You're too loud! You're only this excited during lunch..." Ace said as the four of us got our trays and stood in line.

"Hey, hey, Ame, I want some grilled chicken! It's the last one! And omurice, too! Bread and jelly, too! Just take a bunch of everything!" Grim demands in excitement with a toothy grin.

"Just chill, Grim. I'll get it for ya." I tell him as I grab the food he wanted including mine. I ordered myself pasta bolognese with a bacon egg tart on the side and a vanilla iced coffee. I even got the chocolate croissant and ice latte for Ace and Deuce. Luckily, Crowley paid me enough last time for us cleaning Main Street to the library, so I'll have just enough madol to pay for lunch. After I got our food, I paid and walk away when I accidentally bump into another student making me quickly step back. "Ah!"

"Aaaaah?! Watch it! 'Cause of you, the egg in my pasta broke!" A rough-looking student with shaggy white hair turns around and faces me with a scowl.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~ Breaking the gooey egg is the best part of eating carbonara." Another student with red hair shows up beside the white-haired male. "How do you plan to pay for this?" He retorts.

Man, I don't want to have anything to do with these guys!

"Hand over that grilled chicken as consolation and we'll call it even." The white-haired delinquent gives us a mischievous grin and points at the plate of grilled chicken on my tray. I swiftly move my tray away with an annoyed expression on my face.

Grim quickly climbs on my shoulder, places his paws on my head, and stares at the delinquent down so he's face-to-face with him. "Ffgna?! Hell no! This is my chicken!" Grim growls while gritting his teeth with his ears drawn back.

"And I just paid for it!" I add on with my cheeks puffed out. Do these guys ever learn first-come first-serve? If these guys think they want that chicken to call it even because of a broken egg yolk in their pasta, then I'm not gonna let them have it!

"Ah? Not showing your senpai respect as freshman? Come around back!" The red-haired delinquent declares.

That's when Deuce intervenes and steps in so he's beside me. "S-senpai, setting personal squabbles with magic is prohibited..." He says.

The white-haired delinquent laughs at Deuce with a smug grin. "Squabble? This is just seniors teaching their juniors proper behavior!"

That doesn't look like proper to me!

"Grit your teeth!" Great...just great..



Great..more trouble. Not only did we caught Grim, but we're also getting involved with a few delinquents from Heartslabyul. So how are we gonna get out of this? Let's see what Ame's got.

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