🌹The reigning beast🌹

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~Ame's P.O.V

(Woods behind campus)

After school was over, Ace, Deuce, Grim, and I head to the woods behind campus where the chestnuts are. Our job is collecting the chestnuts. Since we're gonna be making a mont blanc for the Unbirthday Party Trey mentioned, we're gonna need a lot of them.

"Waaaah! There's so many chestnuts all over the place! It's a forest of all you can eat mont blanc...guugh." Grim marvels at the chestnuts around us with stars in his eyes. "Let's get picking...oww ow!" He goes to grab one of the nuts just for Grim to yelp in pain and move his paw away. "Ffnga!! The thorns pricked my paw!"

"We can't pick them up with bare hands. It'll also be good to get a basket or something to put them all in." Deuce tells him.

"The botanical garden probably has whatever we need inside." Ace said.

"Let's go take a look." Deuce says and we head to the botanical garden.


(Time skip)

(Botanical Garden- Temperate Zone)

We arrived at the botanical garden that's pretty close to Ramshackle dorm. As we walked inside, I look around in awe to see lots of flowers, plants, and fruit trees from one area to the next.

"Wow, it's bigger in here than I thought." Ace says in awe.

"This place is amazing." I add as the sun shines through the huge glass dome.

"There should be a caretaker of this place. We should split up and find them." Deuce suggests.

"I'll go right." Ace points in his direction.

"And I'll head left. Grim and Supervisor, you guys can go straight to the back." Deuce tells us and I nod in reply as the four of us split up and began searching.


Grim and I look around the garden for a basket or the caretaker that can help us when Grim walks ahead of me and smells at the fruit trees.

"Hey, hey, look at this. There's a bunch of fruit! It smells so good!" Grim can already feel his mouth drooling at the sight of the fruit making him want to pick one.

Which I chose to prevent him. "Hey, no swiping!" I scold the cat. "But still, there's a bunch of fruit I've never seen." I was so busy marveling at this garden that I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking.


I froze in my step when I heard a deep voice somewhere. "Did I step on something?" I ask myself and look down to see my foot on someone's tail.

"Oi. You've got some nerve stepping on my tail without saying anything."

The deep voice said and I glance at a tall tan-skinned male who stands up from where he was sleeping and faces us. He has lion ears and a tail which are light brown and his tail has black hair on the end, shoulder-length chocolate brown hair with small braids in the front, green eyes, and a scar going across his left eye. He wears his school uniform except for his blazer and neck tie, a yellow vest, his yellow and black armband hanging on his belt, black gloves, and brown sandals.

"Are you the caretaker here? You seem like an impolite guy." Grim asks which caused my face to recoil in fear.

"Grim!" I quickly snatched the cat in my arms and cover his mouth with my hand, shutting him up.

That was a polite way of asking, Grim!

"I was right in the middle of a nice nap, then you go and walk all over my tail. This sucks." The brown-haired male replies in annoyance on his face.

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