🌹A stirring secret🌹

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~Ame's P.O.V


"Puuaaah! We're finally done with the peeling!" Ace sighs in relief after he, Deuce, Grim, and I finished peeling the last of the chestnuts.

"I know. I thought it'll take us longer than we expected." I say.

"My arms hurt..." Deuce can already feel his arms getting sore from doing all that peeling.

"Haha. Good job. Your hard work will make it taster." Trey praises us with an impressed smile and puts the peeled chestnuts in a pot.

"I'm full from just the smell." Grim says.

"Next, we mix butter and sugar into the chestnut paste." Trey adds in the butter and sugar and let the paste mix before smirking. "Then, we add oyster sauce as the secret ingredient."

What the what?!

"Oyster sauce?!" Ace, Deuce, and I react in shock.

Oyster sauce in a mont blanc?!

Trey nods and pulls out a small bottle with a picture of a walrus wearing a top hat while smoking a cigar. "Yep. The savoriness of oysters adds depth and the richness to the cream. Here's young oyster sauce with the walrus' seal of excellence. Famous patisserie all use this in their tarts."

"Seriously...that's a pretty salty sauce." Deuce says.

"Even chocolate gets but in curry all the time...it might be good." Ace smiles and admits.

"...Pfft. Ahaha!" Wait a minute, what's Trey laughing for? "It's a joke. Oyster sauce does not belong in sweets."

Upon hearing that, I anime fall before my cheeks puff up in annoyance with a small grunt.

"Screw you! You said it with a straight face." Ace said.

"Haha! If you took a second to think about it, you'd figure it out. Don't just accept things without a healthy amount of skepticism. Better study up." Trey states.

"This guy looks nice but is pretty good at lying..." Grim trails off with a sweatdrop.

I can't believe he jinxed us over an ingredient that doesn't belong in dessert! I thought Trey was crazy for putting oyster sauce in a tart.

"Next, is the whip cream...ah!" Trey pauses in his tracks feeling like he forgot something.

"What's the matter?" Ace asks.

"You all gathered so many chestnuts that I got ahead of myself and made too much marron paste." Trey explains. "We don't have enough whip cream to mix into it."

"I can go out and buy some. Is it sold at the school store?" Deuce steps up and offers.

Trey nods. "You can find anything at that place so it should be there. Could I ask you to pick up a few other things? Two cartons of milk, a dozen eggs, aluminum cups, and five cans of fruit..." He lists the items to Deuce and he writes them down.

"I don't think I can carry all that alone. Ame, do you mind coming with me?" Deuce turns to me and I nod with a smile.

"Sure!" I reply.

"I'm going too! I'm tired of mixing flour endlessly." Grim declares as he hops onto my shoulder and we leave the kitchen to the school store.

I wonder what we'll find at the school store? I'm sure they'll have the things we need.


(Time skip)

(Mr.S's Mystery Shop)

We arrived at the school store which is close to Main Street when you walk down the steps to head to the Hall of Mirrors. Deuce opens the door for me and he, Grim, and I walk inside.

 Deuce opens the door for me and he, Grim, and I walk inside

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"Pardon us...wow, this place is amazing. There's a crystal skull, grimoires...what kind of taxidermy is this?" Deuce says in awe with amazement.

"Woah. Do they really sell whip cream here?" Grim asks.

As the three of us looked around, I find the store to be really odd but voodoo-themed with various items and grimoires displayed on the shelves and countertops.

"A piano, treasure chest, crystal ball...this is a really odd store." I say while walking up and take a closer look at the crystal skull with curiosity.

"Hey! My little lost demons, how goes it?"

Deuce, Grim, and I see a dark-skinned male with fuchsia eyes and sideswept dreadlocks with purple streaks appearing in front of the counter with a welcoming grin. He wears a black and purple top hat with stitches in some places with a red ribbon and a skull on it. There's white bone-like markings painted under his eyes and skeleton bones painted on his neck, chest, and forearms. A voodoo bone necklace, a purple cropped jacket with a talisman pin on one of the black lapels along with black cuffs on the sleeves, black shirt, a fuchsia-colored vest with skeleton ribs designed on the front and white square buttons in the shape of vertebrae bones, white gloves, a long black apron with a black and white-striped drawstring tied around his waist and there's various grimoires in a large pocket on the left side, purple trousers, and black and white tweed button boots.

"Welcome to Mr.S's Mystery Shop. What can I do for you today? A charm for uncharted lands? Mummy of an ancient king? Or how about some cursed tarot cards?" Mr.S rambles while pulling out a deck of tarot cards in front of me.

"Ffnga! You scared me!" Grim yelps and hides behind my leg.



Just so you know, Mr.S is a twisted version of Dr. Facilier from Princess and the Frog.

And again, still can't believe Trey jinxed us for saying that oyster sauce belongs in dessert!😤

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