🐈‍⬛Escaping punishment🐈‍⬛

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~Third Person P.O.V

(Meanwhile in the Hall of Mirrors)

The Hall of Mirrors has seven mirrors that each connect to the seven dorms of the main campus. Except for Ramshackle; because that dorm is on campus, it'll take a long walk to get there to the main building and back.

Ace is on his way back to his dorm for the day, despite Crowley's punishment. "No way I'm washing a hundred windows. Gonna head on home..." Ace mutters to himself as he continues walking when suddenly...


Ame's P.O.V

When we made it to the Hall of Mirrors where Ace would be, we finally find the redhead walking down the hall.

"HEEEEEEEEEEY YOOOOOOUUUUU!!!!" Grim shouts loudly which quickly caught his attention.

"Geh!! Found me!" Ace yelps in shock.

We got you now, Ace!

"Jeeeerk! Hold up!! I won't let you be the only one to escape!" Grim exclaims.

"I'm not just going to wait around for you! I'm outta here!" Ace replies and runs away catching us off-guard.

"What the-? Hey! Get back here!" I grit my teeth and run after Ace.

"It's not fair for only you to get out of it! I want to skip out too!" Grim exclaims and follows me as we try to catch him and prevent him from escaping.

You're not skipping out, Grim!

While Grim and I are chasing Ace, my eyes see a dark blue-haired male with a black spade on the right side of his face wearing the same uniform as Ace walking down the hall.

"...Huh?" The dark blue-haired male stops and starts to notice Ace running towards him.

"Outta my way! Outta my way!" Ace shouts making him startle.

"Eh.., oo-ooh?!"

"Catch him, please!" I plead at the dark blue-haired male while trying to catch my breath as I run with each step.

"Magic to capture someone?! I should freeze their legs, no, how about restrain them? Or I could...uummm..." He asks himself and contemplates choices on how to catch him before taking out his magic pen.

"Any way, I don't care how, just hit him hard! Hurry!" Grim shouts desperately.

If we don't catch him soon, the headmaster's gonna have our heads if he finds out that Ace tries to escape punishment!

"Any way?! Any, way..." Hurry up then! "Eeeiii! Anything is fine so come on! Something heavy!" The dark blue-haired male mutters and points his magic pen at Ace. A large black cauldron magically appears and it lands on top of Ace, stopping him in his tracks.

"Gueeeeh! What the heck?! A pot?!" Ace asks while he's on the ground with a cauldron on his back.

Whew! We finally got him.

"Gyahahaha! Check it out! Ace is flat as a pancake under that cauldron! So lame!" Grim laughs cockily while pointing at Ace.

That's what you get!

"I didn't think I'd get a cauldron. Did I overdo it?" The dark blue-haired male mutters.

"Man, this hurts..." Ace grunts in pain and gets up off the ground before glancing at me and Grim. "You should be fine. Those 100 windows should be clean in a flash." He says making my eye twitch in annoyance.

"Hey! That's not something you do in a flash!" I quote with a tick mark on my head.

"Washing 100 windows as punishment...what in the world did you all do?" The dark blue-haired male asks.

"I got into it a bit with that furball and we might have charred the Queen of Heart's statue a bit." Ace answers while rubbing the nape of his neck.

"You damaged one of the Great Seven statues?! That's definitely something people would get angry with. You get into a prestigious school then do something like that on the first day..." The dark blue-haired male says.

"...Shuddup. And who are you?" Ace asks resting his hands on his hips.

"I'm Deuce. Deuce Spade. Would it hurt to remember your classmate's faces at least? Ummm..." Deuce introduces himself but he spaces out when he tries to memorize Ace's name.

"You haven't memorized them either." Ace points out with a sweatdrop.

"A-anyway! If you were ordered to by the headmaster, that means you take it seriously." Deuce said.

He's got a point, Ace. "Yeah, yeah. Understood...then let's get it done and over with." Ace trails off in defeat knowing what Deuce said was right. "Nnn?"

"...Wait?" I look around as the atmosphere in the hall grows quiet, too quiet. Aren't we missing someone?

"Ah! That furball's gone!" Ace exclaims to find Grim gone.

I knew we were missing someone! He was right next to me when Ace got hit with a cauldron! Where is he?!

"He heh! I leave it to you all! Bye-bye!" Grim says all giddy with a close-eyed smile while walking down Main Street.

Are you kidding me?! Darn it, Grim!

"Dumb cat! He made me take his place!" Ace said before turning to Deuce. "Hey! Umm, juice?"

"I'm not juice. Deuce! Deu!" Deuce corrects him.

"You're partly responsible so help us catch that furball!" Ace says.

"Why me?" Deuce asks him like how the heck is he involved.

"This deadweight can't use magic so she doesn't count! Let's go!" Ace explains and glances at me which made me narrow my eyes with my cheeks puffed out.

"I have a name, you know!" I retort back with a irk mark and the three of us run off to catch Grim.



Great...just when they finally caught Ace, now we have to catch Grim before he gets into anymore trouble. Who knows what we're in for.

But hey, at least we made another new friend! Hopefully Deuce will help us out.

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