🐈‍⬛A warm-hearted principal🐈‍⬛

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~Ame's P.O.V

Grim and I collapsed on the floor in complete exhaustion after our battle with Crowley as he changes back to his normal human self.

Man, I never would've thought that battling ghosts would be this tiring!

"Hee-haaa...how 'bout that!" Grim said while he and I try to catch our breath.

Crowley stays silent as he glares at us in amazement. "I can't believe it...there is a person who can command monsters. Hmmm...actually, my teacher-senses were telling me since the uproar during the entrance ceremony that you have talent as an animal or wild beast trainer. But...no matter how..." Crowley states and places his hand on his chin before muttering to himself. But, I can't quite make out what he's saying.

Pokémon reference right here, people!

"Could you possibly let Grim stay here with me?" I stand back up and ask him.

"What now? A monster?" Crowley stares at me all confused and I nod my head.

I know it sounds crazy but it's only way I can do to pay Grim back for getting rid of the ghosts! And don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the tuna can he promised.

"Ame, you.." Grim overhears what I said and stares at me.

"Please!" I begged once more and Crowley thinks it through before deciding.

"...Hah...it can't be helped. Alright."

"Hnn?! Really?!" Grim and I asked in unison with a smile.

"However. I can't simply allow someone, let alone a monster, into school who wasn't selected by the Dark Mirror. Also, I can't let you be a freeloader here until you return to your own world." Crowley explains making us sulk.

"Well...talk about short-lived joy..." Grim huffs knowing that it dampened his spirits..

"You can say that again..." I agree with him and roll my eyes.

"Listen until the end." Crowley said and we draw our attention towards the headmaster. "Concerning the fact that your soul was called here, the school has to take responsibility as the owners of the Dark Mirror. For the time being, you'll be permitted to stay in this dormitory for free. But, other necessities you will have to provide for yourself. Seeing as you have nothing to your name...fufu, here is my proposition."

My face begins to grow nervous and I anxiously wonder on what it is. "What exactly are you going to make me do?" I ask.

"No need to fret. I'll have you do maintenance and odd jobs around campus. From what I can see, you're pretty decent at cleaning." Crowley answers. "Would you two like to become the handyman of the school? That way you will receive special permission to remain on school grounds. You'll also be able to research going home or study whatever you desire in the library. For I am gracious." He explains.

'Handyman, huh? I can do that. It's just like the cleaning I do at the cafe back home but different.' I place my hand on my chin in thought. This job will be a cinch, hopefully.

"However! Only after your work is done." Crowley tells me sternly making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Eeeh?! I'm not okay with that! I wanna wear that fancy uniform and be a student!" Grim complains.

"It's fine if you're unsatisfied. I'll simply toss you out again." Crowley says crossing his arms across his chest.

Grim flinches in fear at the last thing he said knowing he doesn't want to get tossed out into the rain. But, he decides to go with it anyway. "Ffgnaa?! I get it! I just have to do it. Just do it!"

"Understood." I said and accept his offer.

Crowley hears this and he nods his head in approval with a close-eyed smile. "Wonderful! Then, you two, starting tomorrow, endeavor to be the best handyman at Night Raven College!" He starts to notice me staring at the bags in his hand making him pause in realization. "Oh! I almost forgot! I brought you dinner and also a couple of pairs of clothes." He hands me the bags then gives me a can of tuna for Grim.

"Thanks!" I take the bags and he replies with a curt nod before leaving the dorm.


After we finished up our dinner, Grim and I look around the dorm for a room we can sleep in. Passing by all the other rooms, we find a room with the door that's ajar. I open it and turned on the lights before walking inside. The room is a mess but the bed doesn't look half as bad.

Grim hops onto the bed and I head to the bathroom that's close by. I change out of the ceremonial robe and into some pjs that Crowley gave me. It's just a pair of sleep shorts and a black t-shirt. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before I walk back to the room to find Grim already asleep.

'Looks like he's all tired out. I know I am too.' I smile and cover my yawn with a tired look on my face.

I climb into bed and fall asleep while I listen to the pouring rain outside.



We finally passed Crowley's challenge! And what's more is that Grim finally got his can of tuna and he'll be staying at the dorm with us!

The first day on the job as handyman will start tomorrow but I wonder what they'll be doing?

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