🐈‍⬛Unintentional trouble🐈‍⬛

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~Ame's P.O.V

(Dwarf's Mine- Silent Woods)

The bright light from the Dark Mirror dies down and Ace, Deuce, Grim, and I arrived at the forest standing on a path that leads to the mine. I look around to find a small river with a bridge and a small house.

"So this is Dwarf's Mine...it used to be prosperous thanks to magic crystal mining, but..." Deuce trails off as we look at our surroundings.

"Uuuuhh...feels like something could just jump out..." Grim groans nervously with his ears flat.

"Don't worry, Grim. It seems quiet out here, nothing's gonna jump out and get us." I assure him with a small smile until Ace spots a house nearby.

"Oh, there's a house back there. Let's go ask them about the mine." Ace suggests making me nod my head.

"Good idea." I agree with the redhead and we all walk up to the house.


(Dwarf's Mine- small cottage)

We made it to the front door and Deuce knocks on the door a couple of times, hoping that anybody would answer.

"Good evening...I guess it's abandoned. It's a mess in here." Deuce calls out but nobody answered. He slowly opens the door and we walk inside.

The inside looks like it's trashed with cobwebs all over the place and there's a pickaxe lodged on the wooden table top.

"Puwah! I got a spider web in the face...peh peh!" Grim said and brushes off the web with his paws.

"Aren't the tables and chairs on the small side? Are they for kids?" Ace asks and counts how many chairs they are. "One, two...there's seven! So many!"

"I'm not sure if they are for kids. I'm guessing these chairs were made for small people." I say as my fingers gently graze over the wood.

"This was probably a lively home when Dwarf's Mine flourished." Deuce says.

"They did what they had to. After all, magic crystals are found inside coal. For now, let's just go check it out." Ace said. We leave the house then we make our way to the mine where the crystals are.

So magic crystals are found in coal, huh? I really hope they have some left.


(Time skip)

After a few minutes of walking, we've arrived at the entrance of Dwarf's Mine with worn down rail tracks leading inside.

I glance over at Grim on my shoulder who's trembling in fear. "W-we're gonna go in that pitch black hole?!" Grim asks himself with a shaky voice along with his ears drawn back.

"Scared? Lame." Ace teases and gives him a coy smirk.

"Naanh?! I'm not s-scared at all!" Grim retorts and tries to put on a brave face. "I'm taking the lead! You guys, follow me!" He jumps off of my shoulder and Ace, Deuce, and I follow Grim inside as he leads the way.


As we walk through the mine, we look around for any signs of a magic crystal.

Deuce starts to notice something close by making him stop in his step. "?! Wait!"

"What." Ace stares at Deuce in confusion.

"What is it, Deuce?" I ask.

"Something...is there!" Deuce said.

"Eeek?!" Grim yelps in fear causing his grey fur to stand up on end. I think he knows what it is!

Our eyes grew wide in shock at what we see in front of us.

"Heeee hee hee! Our first visitor in ten years!"

"Make yourselves at home. For eternity!"

Oh crap! Ghosts!



Well Ace, Deuce, Ame, and Grim have arrived at the Dwarf's Mine and just when things were going so far so good, ghosts showed up.

Not only Ramshackle dorm but they're ghosts living the in mine?

Now what will they run into next?

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