🌹Seven-colored delicious!🌹

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~Ame's P.O.V


Trey, Ace, Deuce, Grim, and I are still at work finishing the mont blanc after getting the things we needed from Mr.S's Mystery Shop.

It takes a lot of steps to make a mont blanc since I never had one before. But, a lesson I learned when it comes to cooking and baking is to take inventory just so you have what you need.

After Trey is done making the chestnut paste in the pot, he puts the filling into the mixer and blends it until it's smooth before using a sieve to push the filling into another bowl. He fills it up in a piping bag and let it chill in the fridge.

"Ame, could you preheat the oven to 200F for me?" Trey asks me and I reply with a casual smile.

"Sure." I walk up to the oven and set it to 200F while Trey works with the eggs.

He whisks the egg whites with a hand mixer until it turns foamy, then adds in the sugar till it forms into stiff peak. The meringue is put into another piping bag and pipes it in a swirling motion onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. It takes an hour for it to bake; along with 30 minutes for the pie crust.

I smile while smelling the pie crust baking in the oven as the inside of the kitchen really starts to smell like an actual bakery. "Oh, I can already smell it from here!" I said.

After the pie crust and the meringue are done, Trey takes them out of the oven. Once they're cool, he places the meringue on top of the crust and pipes the whip cream around it and the chestnut cream around the whip cream.

"Last, we dust the top with powdered sugar..." Trey said sprinkling the powdered sugar on top.

At last, it's all done!

"Finished!" Ace, Grim, and I exclaim in achievement.

"Finished..." But, Deuce...I'm pretty sure he doesn't seem too enthusiastic about it.

"Did something happen while you were out shopping?" Ace asks me as we look over at the sulking dark blue-haired male.

"Uh...just a chick shock. Just leave him be." I answer with a sheepish smile while Deuce is still sulking with a dark aura surrounding him.

"For 16 years, I believed that..."

I don't think Deuce is gonna recover from this for a while..

'I think I broke him..' My face pales with a blank face.

"Making sweets takes so much time. I'm exhausted..." Ace says.

"Good work~ is the tart finished? The decorations are super cute!" Cater smiles walking into the kitchen and sees the mont blanc we made. "It's totally magicamegramable! Let me take a pic." He takes out his phone and snaps a picture.

"Ah! What'd you come here for?" Ace yelps in surprise to see the third-year standing beside him.

"I came to check on my cute underclassmen, working so hard. Ahaha, you look beat!" Cater answers.

"Things you aren't used to tire you out quick. So when you're tired, you need to eat something sweet." Trey says. "Go ahead and try the mont blanc we made."

"Yaay!" All of us smiled yet feeling excited as Trey serves us a slice of an extra mont blanc since he made two whole ones.

"Cater, you did come here just in time to eat the tart!" Ace says getting his slice from Trey.

"You can think of me as the taste-tester." Cater chuckles.

"Waaahaaa...it smells so deliciously sweet. The chestnuts on top are glossy while the cream underneath is so fluffy! Let's eat!" Grim can't wait any longer as he stares at his place of mont blanc in front of him with drool leaking from his mouth.

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