🐈‍⬛Selfish three🐈‍⬛

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~Ame's P.O.V

(Dwarf's Mine- Interior)

Ace, Deuce, Grim, and I stare at the faceless monster in front of us as it stands between us and the magic crystal: our only key to avoid expulsion.

"Leave! Leave!! Leeeeeaaave!!!!" The monster growls aggressively and it goes to attack Deuce.

Not good!

"Guuuuh!" Deuce grunts as he gets punched in stomach making me gasp in shock with my jaw all slack.

"Deuce!" I call out to him as his back slams against the wall in pain.

"Stand back if you have no control, Mr.Serious! I'll stop it! Haaa!" Ace takes out his magic pen and fires his wind magic at the monster.

The wind hits it but doesn't seem to effect him and it growls loudly at Ace. "Wuuuuuuoooooooohhh!!!"

"Guuhaaaah!" Ace yells as he gets hit and falls to the ground.

"Are you okay?!" I ask the two guys on the ground before facing Grim. "Grim!"

"Ffgnaaa!! Stay away!!" Grim panics and sends out his blue flames at the monster just for it to repel it.

"Grrrrr!!!" The monster growls making me flinch.

"I-it's not working at all!" Grim said with fear on his face.

What the heck are we supposed to do now?! I can't beat this thing without magic!

I quickly look over at Ace and Deuce as they try to stand back up when suddenly, I see a sliver of light from behind the monster. "Did something just sparkle?!"

They stare at the direction I'm looking at and their eyes widen when they spot something shiny.

"Behind that thing! At the end of the tunnel, something..." Ace said as he finds the same sliver of light that I'm looking at.

"That light, is it a magic crystal...?!" Deuce asks.

I squint my eyes and look closer to see a crystal lodged into the wall making me grin. "It is! We found one!"

"GGGOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!! WON'T GIIIIIIIVE!!!" The monster roars loudly as it echos inside the mine.

"L-l-l-l-let's get out of here! We're done for at this rate!" Grim stutters and I stare down at him knowing that he's right.

"We need to escape, you two!" I turn to Ace and Deuce and all of us start to run away as the monster growls at us the further away we ran.



(Dwarf's Mine- Silent Woods)

Once we're a safe distance away from the mine, the four of us stopped in front of the house wheezing and trying to catch our breath.

"Is this far enough?" Grim asks and I look back where we just ran away from to see if anyone's following us.

"I think we lost him so we're safe for now." I sigh in relief while brushing a piece of pastel-pink hair away from my face.

That was too close for comfort...at least we're still here in one piece.

"Oooww...what in the world was that? No one said anything about that!" Ace winces in pain and asks himself in disbelief to what we just saw that attacked us.

"It didn't seem like any old ghost." Deuce says.

"Let's give up and go home. I'd rather get expelled than fight that thing." Ace suggests which made Deuce and I react in shock at what he said.

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