🐈‍⬛A hundred broken windows🐈‍⬛

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~Ame's P.O.V

Right when Crowley mentioned to us we have to clean a hundred windows, Grim and I knew we have to do not only that but we still need to finish cleaning Main Street.

Great...this is gonna take all day...

After the headmaster went back to his office and Ace left to go to his classes, Grim and I went back to work and continue picking up where we left off.

We walk back over to the Queen of Hearts statue and finish scrubbing it despite the top part that's charred from Grim's fire. When we're done, we do the statue of the King of Beasts, the Sea Witch, and so on.

Time flew by what seemed like an hour or so and we finally finished cleaning all seven statues making me sigh in relief. I dump the dirty water out and fill up the bucket with clean water before we work on cleaning the rest of Main Street to the library.


(Time skip)


The final bell rings and school was over for the day

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The final bell rings and school was over for the day. Grim and I made it to the cafeteria and I look around in awe at how huge it is.

It has a lot of space with brick walls and the floors are beige and black checkerboard with purple outlines and huge windows on the right side. There are a lot of tables with a bowl of mixed fruit on each one and there's extra seating in the back, a tree-like light fixture on the ceiling, a huge fireplace on the left with a candelabra on each side, and a couple of portraits hanging on the wall.

We sat down at one of the tables close by to take a break before we do the windows. But first, we gotta make sure that Ace gets here.

"I'm already beat from cleaning all day...now we have to wash a hundred windows too..." Grim moans with a dark aura hanging over him and lays down on his back staring up at the ceiling.

"I know, right?" I agree and rest my chin on my hand. "But, we've got no choice, Grim. If you're over it, then just get it done."

"That Ace guy is sure taking his sweet time. Who does he think he is, making me wait? I'm pissed!" Grim says sarcastically in annoyance and glares at the door.

"He better show up because there's no way we're cleaning those windows without him. So let's just wait and see if he does." I suggest and he agrees as we wait for Ace to show up.

And we're waiting...


(5 minutes later...)

Grim keeps staring at the door while I lay down on the table with my hands behind my head and wave my legs in the air in boredom.

Still waiting...


(10 minutes later...)

Ace still hasn't shown up?! Where the heck is he?

Grim keeps on staring at the door waiting for Ace, but then he starts to get impatient. ".......I don't care what happened, this is too late!! Wait, he wouldn't just skip out, right?" He asks.

'That Ace...he's probably planning to get away from this punishment, isn't he?' As I thought about Ace, my cheeks begin to puff out in frustration. "I'd believe it...let's go find him." I answer and clench my fists.

"I'm not gonna let him get away with putting all the punishment on us! Let's go, henchman! We're gonna catch Ace and make him do all the window washing!" Grim declares as he fist pumps the air and we run out of the cafeteria to find Ace.

And when Grim and I find him, Ace is so gonna regret skipping out on us!


(Time skip)

"Oraaaa! Where's Ace! We're not gonna let you hide away!" Grim shouts and barges inside one of the classrooms looking for Ace just to find it empty. "....Ah, there's nobody here?!"

"There's no one else in the room except us, Grim." I say while I walk inside the classroom and stand beside Grim. Damn it! Where is he?!

"No. I'm here." A voice tells us and we turn around to see one of the portraits on the wall speaking to us.

"Ffgyaaaaaa!!! The picture talked!!" Grim exclaims in shock.

Harry Potter reference for all of the fans out there!

"What now? It's not uncommon for paintings to talk at this school. The Wall Lady over there, the Wall Gentleman over here, everyone can speak. Portraits can speak because they have a mouth. That's normal, you know?" The portrait explains.

"Normally, paintings don't speak." I said.

"Your normal and my normal differ in regards to our quirks. Isn't that true? That aside, who are you looking for?" The portrait states then he asks us as to why we're here.

"A guy named Ace. He's got a heart mark on his face and hair that sticks up." Grim describes the red-haired male and gives out his name.

"Have you seen him?" I ask while resting a hand on my hip.

"Aaah, I know him. He's one of the freshman that started today. He went back to his dorm not too long ago..." The portrait nods.


"Whaaahaaat! So he did try to get away! Which way did he go?" Looks like we were right. Grim reacts in shock and asks the portrait.

"The entrance is behind the east building." The portrait answers.

"Hey! We're going after him!" Grim looks up at me with determination on his face and I nod my head.

"Yeah we are! C'mon, Grim!" I tell him and I look back at the portrait that helped us. "Thanks a lot, sir."

"Anytime." The portrait said and we run out of the classroom to go after Ace.



So Ace did try to skip out on us! I can't believe it! Now that we know where he's going, we'll catch him and make sure that he washes a hundred windows!

So just you wait, Ace!

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