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~Ame's P.O.V

Morning sunlight peeks through the curtains in my room as I'm sound asleep in my bed. The alarm on my phone goes off making me groan in annoyance and I reach for it and press snooze before setting it down on my nightstand.

'Ugh...ten more minutes..'

Yeah, mornings are not my type of day. I'm more of a night owl than a morning person.

"Ame!" I hear my Mom's voice from outside of my room as I sit up on my bed and run a hand through my hair. "Time to get up! We'll be opening the cafe in about 25 minutes so get ready, alright?" She tells me making me pout.

"Yeah!" I reply in a tired voice before yawning. 'And right on the first day of summer..' I look at my laptop on the side of the bed showing the finished movie of Alice in Wonderland on Disney plus. That's the twelfth time I watched this movie.

I obviously grew up watching Disney movies when I was a little kid. Whether it's Alice in Wonderland, Snow White, or Aladdin, I would watch these movies over and over. I close my laptop and plug it into the charger, then I start to get ready for work.

But first, I open the curtains letting the morning sunlight shine into my room. I walk over to a small cage beside my dresser and greet my pet hedgehog, Spike. "Morning, bud!" I smile and he squeaks in response before I give him his breakfast which is his food with a cricket on top. On some days, I would give him blueberries or bananas.

Since I have plenty of time before work starts, I decide to take a quick shower. I grab my work shirt along with a pair of jeans, bra, and underwear and place them on the bed. I walk to the bathroom and turn on the shower letting the water warm up before stepping in. I grab the shampoo and conditioner and wash my hair with it before washing my body with body wash. After my shower's done, I put on my work clothes and head to the kitchen to get breakfast.


We have an apartment above the cafe I live in along with my parents and my older brother, Yuu. It's not huge but it feels like home. (It's like Bob's Burgers but different.)

The cafe my Mom talked about is the one that's right down below us. My parents own it and worked there for as long as they remember; it's a mom-and-pop, family-owned business. Dad and his friends work in the kitchen while me, Yuu, and my Mom, work at the front of the house.

My brother couldn't be there to work with us today because he's got kendo practice at the kendo club.


(Time skip)

(Around 2:30PM)

"Bye, thanks for coming!" After I served my customer, I clean off the table while my Mom went up to the door and close the cafe for the day. 'Whew! Today, sure was busy. Maybe when I get back to my room, I'll watch another Disney movie while I cuddle with Spike.' I thought to myself in relief.

"Hey, Ame?" Mom walks up to me and I put the cloth down on the table before facing her. "Would you mind giving this to your brother at kendo practice? This came in the mail for Yuu. It's possibly his college acceptance letter." She hands me a large envelope with my brother's name on the front.

I nod my head with a smile. "Sure, I can do that."

"You know where the place is, right?" Mom asks me.

"Yep! I'll be back later!" I take off my apron and walk out of the cafe but before I head over there, I decide to stop by the apartment to change into a different shirt.

I change out of my work shirt and into a sleeveless tank top then I walk over to the Kendo club with the envelope in my hand.


My Twisted Adventure (Twisted Wonderland x femoc)Where stories live. Discover now