🐈‍⬛A severe spot🐈‍⬛

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~Ame's P.O.V

(Dwarf's Mine- Interior)

"This place is haunted with ghosts too!" Ace said as the four of us stare at the ghosts in front of us.

Looks like Ramshackle dorm's not only one that's occupied by ghosts. Consider me and Grim lucky.

"We don't have time to deal with them one by one. Let's go!" Deuce suggests and gestures us to run but Ace has a different opinion.

"Don't think you can just order me around. If you hadn't done something so idiotic, we wouldn't be in this mess." Ace retorts.

Deuce grits his teeth in frustration and begins to argue. "You wanna talk about who started it? It's cause you wouldn't clean!"

Exactly! He even tried to escape cleaning duty!

"It started when that furball burned the Queen of Hearts statue!" Ace retorts and points at Grim who looks taken aback from being accused.

"Ffgna! That's what you get for making a fool outta me!" Grim says and butts in into their argument causing me to facepalm.

"All of you! Do you understand our situation right now? We're all expelled if we don't get back with a magic crystal by tomorrow morning!" Deuce reminds us what Crowley said making Ace growl in annoyance.

"So stop patronizing me, it's really ticking me off." Ace retorts.

Can't we just at least focus on finding that crystal, please and thank you?!

"Settle down, you three." I try to calm down when I start to hear something making me pause. "...I think I just heard a voice."


We hear it but we don't see it..

"W-what's...this voice?" Ace asks with a hint of fear.


"I don't know. But, it doesn't sound very friendly." I say with a sweatdrop as I start to hear faint footsteps from deep in the mine.

"I think it's...getting closer..." Deuce says.

The stomping starts to get louder and a huge figure steps out of the shadows of the mine. A monster carrying a pickaxe with one hand and a lantern in the other wearing a tattered maroon-colored long-sleeve shirt with stitches, brown pants, brown shoes, a brown belt with a yellow buckle, and a brown hat. But, the one thing that caught my eye was its glass head with black ink leaking out from the cracks.

"Stone...........IS MIIIIIIIIIIINNEEE!!!!"

"I-IT'S HEEEEEEEEEEERE!!!" Ace, Deuce, Grim, and I scream as the monster roars loudly.

"What the heck is that thing?!" Deuce stares at the monster scared-stiff.

"Fffgnnaaaaaa!! Crowley didn't say anything about that!! Let's get outta here!" Grim cries out and hops into my arms.

"It's so nasty! But, didn't it mention a stone?!" Ace points out which caught our attention.


"St...one, won't...give...!!" The monster roars.

"So there really are magic crystals left!" Deuce smiles knowing that there's still hope on finding a crystal.

"N-n-n-n-nope! I'm a genius but I can't beat that thing!" Grim stutters and shakes his head knowing he wouldn't stand a chance against that monster.

"But, we'll be expelled without it...I'm going!" Deuce says and clenches his fist making our faces contort into shock.

Is he seriously going to fight that monster alone? Is he crazy?! There's no way he can beat this thing on his own!

"You've gotta be kidding?!" Ace trails off and stares at him like he's insane.

"It's impossible by yourself!" I said.

"I cannot, under any circumstances, be expelled!" Deuce ignores us and he takes out his magic pen, willing to take that chance.

Oh, this is gonna end badly...



Crowley had never said anything about a monster living in this mine! Now how are they going to get the magic crystal?

We'll figure out a way to get that crystal, I'm sure of it. But dealing with the monster comes first!

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