🐈‍⬛A tenacious chase!🐈‍⬛

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~Ame's P.O.V

(Dwarf's Mine- Silent Woods)

Ace, Deuce, Grim, and I have finally got the magic crystal and managed to escape the mine in one piece. But, there's only one problem, a huge one...the faceless monster broke free from our trap and now it's chasing us.

"You're kidding?! It knocked off all that stuff and came after us!" Ace utters out in shock while we run through the woods with the monster right on our tail.

"Uuuh...uuughhh...! Give...it ba...ck!!" The monster roars in rage.

"Shoot! It's gonna catch up to us!" Deuce looks back at the monster with a sweatdrop.

I grit my teeth and look over my shoulder at the monster who looks like it seems to be exhausted and running out of breath. "We just gotta go for it!" I said.

"Aaaaah, fine! Let's finish it! Don't let me down, Mr.Serious!" Ace says and looks over at Deuce.

"You too." Deuce replies and punches his fist on the palm of his hand.

"I'll show you my true power!" Grim declares feeling all pumped up and sends out his blue flames at the monster.

Ace and Deuce begin to fight back by using their magic pens while I stood back and give Grim orders on where to attack and where to dodge. Grim was reluctant at first but he decides to listen to me since they just wanted to get the job done.

As Ace, Deuce, and Grim are in the middle of fighting the monster, I try to look for some sort of weakness that will help us defeat it. 'I wonder if...' That's when I start to notice the cracks on the glass head. I have an idea! "Guys! Use your magic to aim at the monster's head!" I point out and they stare at the head before nodding at each other.

"Right! We're on it!" Deuce replies back and he, Ace, and Grim fire their magic at the glass head.

The monster groans loudly in pain as it hits and the strong force of their attacks cause the glass to crack further and more ink to spill out. Then, the glass head shatters and its body falls to the ground with a solid thud before it disappears completely.

"*huff, huff...!" Deuce catches his breath in exhaustion from fighting the monster.

"We...did it?" Ace asks himself feeling astounded at the fact that we won.

"W-we won...we actually won!!" Grim exclaims with excitement and all of us cheer at our victory!


"We did it!"

"We beat it!"

My plan worked! Oh man, I'm so proud of us! We beat that thing and we got the crystal! Now, we can avoid getting expelled!

"Victory high five!" Grim gestures.

"Yaaaaay!!" All of us gathered together and gave each other a high five. We finally pulled it off!

"Looks like you're getting along well now." I smile at the two guys and place a hand on my hip. Ace and Deuce paused and they start to blush before quickly backing away from each other.

"...Ah. N-no. This is nothing like that!" Deuce stammers out flustered.

"Y-yeah, yeah! Could you stop saying weird things?" Ace says in embarrassment.

"W-we won thanks to my genius! It's not because we pooled our strength!" Grim said and turns his head away.

I giggle in amusement and put my hands out in defense with a close-eyed smile. "Fine, fine. Whatever you say."

"...I guess making excuses is pretty lame. I hate to admit it but we won thanks to your plan." Ace gives me a small smile while rubbing the back of his neck.

"...True. We got the magic crystal because you gave us level-headed instructions. We can prevent our expulsion this way...I'm so relieved." Deuce does the same thing and smiles causing me to blush.

"Heh, heh, heh. Where is all of this attention coming from?" I laugh sheepishly as I scratch my cheek with a close-eyed smile. "Anyway, I'm just glad everyone is alright."

"Yeah, yeah, we're all relieved. And seriously worn-out and battered. Let's go home." Ace agrees knowing he's anxious about wanting to get back to his dorm so he can sleep.

I don't blame him. When Grim and I get back to our dorm, we're gonna sleep like logs.

"I'm starving from using so much magic...hmm? What's this?" Grim starts to smell something close by. He follows it and looks down to find a small crystal on the ground that's black as night.

"Remnants of that monster? A magic crystal...? But, I've never seen one pitch black like coal before." Deuce suspects the crystal while Ace and I take a closer look at it.

"Me neither. I've never seen anything like it." I said.

Grim picks up the crystal and brings it closer to his nose and sniffs it. "*Snif, snif...This thing smells really good..." His eyes light up with his mouth drooling.

"No way!" Ace exclaims.

Uh, Grim? What are you doing?

"This has to be candy the monster was hiding! Oooooh, I can't hold back! Time to dig in!" Grim smiles and trembles in excitement then he eats the crystal making me, Ace, and Deuce recoil in disgust.

"He actually ate it?!" Omg, I think I'm gonna be sick!🤢

As I watch Grim eat up the crystal, he swallows it with a satisfying smile. But that wasn't until something hits him. "Uuhh!!!!!!!"

"Hey, you alright?!" Deuce asks the cat in concern.

"Aaah. That's why you don't eat things off the ground." Ace says turning his head away from Grim like he's about to puke at any moment.

"Literally!" I say meekly.

Remember this, kids. If you see anything on the ground that looks good and makes you wanna eat it, just don't.

"D....d-d-d-d......DELICIOUS!!" Grim grins when he finds the crystal to be rather tasty.

"Wha?!!" Ace, Deuce, and I react in shock at what he just said.

Wait a minute...he likes it?!

"It's full-bodied but also rich, with an aromatic sweetness that blooms in my mouth...like a whole field of flowers in my mouth!" Grim describes every last taste in detail. I hope that doesn't upset his stomach.

"Bleegghhh. Monsters really do have different tastes from us." Ace grimaced with a dark aura hanging over his head.

"...I guess so. But, more than that...most people wouldn't even put a mystery object in their mouth without a thought." Deuce sighs.

"Monsters are omnivores..." I trail off and shrug my shoulders. I guess not only humans can be omnivores.

"Gahahaha! Tasty, tasty! Don't worry, my stomach isn't weak like yours." Grim smirks.

"Don't come crawling to me when you get sick later." Ace replies.

"Switching gears, let's get this magic crystal to the headmaster!" Deuce reminds us and all of us smile in agreement.

"Yeah! There's still some time left before morning so let's head back!" I say and we head out to the mirror we came from while I hold the crystal in my hands.



We did it! We beaten the monster and we got the magic crystal! All thanks to the plan she had in mind.

It's kinda weird and gross to see Grim eating something off the ground...and that is something you should not do ever.

Now that that's over, they can head back to school and give the crystal to Crowley before morning.

There's a huge surprise in store for Ame and Grim so let's find out what it is in the next chapter!

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