🐈‍⬛Get that crystal!🐈‍⬛

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~Ame's P.O.V

(Dwarf's Mine- Mine entrance)

Ok..so here's how the plan will work.

First, Ace and Deuce will stand by and hide while Grim and I try to get the monster's attention. When we do that, we lead it out of the mine as far as we possibly can. Ace and Grim will create a tornado with wind and fire to surround it then Deuce will knock it out. After that, the four of us will rush inside the mine and grab the crystal.

Ace, Deuce, and I hide in front of the mine as Grim looks back at me feeling hesitant about the plan.

"Trust me and stick to the plan. You can do it." I give him a reassuring smile with a thumbs up. He nods in response before he walks inside the mine and finds the faceless monster.

"Hey, beasty! O-o-o-over here!" Grim stutters loudly acting brave and trying to grab its attention.

The monster quickly turns around and growls when it spots Grim stepping back cautiously. "Grrrrr....leaAAAAAAAVVEE!!!" The monster roars.

"Gah! It's coming!" Grim runs toward me in panic and I see the monster coming this way.

"Over here, beasty!" I move out of hiding and taunt the monster with a brave face which causes it to notice me.

"Grr?! There...thief...too. Won't give...mine...mine!!" The monster growls aggressively. It clenched its right hand into a fist and was about to punch me but I quickly dodge it as it hits the ground with a solid thud.

"Pyah! That punch looks like a knockout if it lands!" Grim says climbing onto my shoulder with a sweatdrop.

I stare at the faceless monster nervously before turning around and start to run away.

The first part of our plan is done! Time for the second part!

"We gotta get it as far from the tunnel as possible!" I say as we made it outside with the monster continuing to chase after us.

"Go away! Go away!!"

I start to feel myself getting tired but my mind tells me to keep running. I look over my shoulder at the monster with a sweatdrop. 'Almost there!'

"It's pretty far from the tunnel now!" Grim tells me.

Now's our chance!

"Do it now!" I turn around and shout at Ace who's got his magic pen ready.

"Ok, I got this! Let's go, Extra Large Tempest!" Ace exclaims and the red crystal on his pen glows and sends out a huge, strong, gust of wind at the monster.

"And the Great Grim's Fire Special! Ffgnaaaaa!" Grim smirks and releases his blue flames at it.

"Guaaaaah?!!" The monster roars as it gets hit by Ace and Grim's attacks.

Oh yeah! We got him right where we want him!

"How's this! I can even fan Grim's shoddy flame into an inferno!" Ace smiles confidently and rests a hand on his hip.

"It's not shoddy! Ugh, every word out of your mouth pisses me off!" Grim retorts.

I stare at the monster struggling against the force of the wind along with the flames. "The monster is caught in the fire tornado! Now's our chance!" I say and turn to Deuce.

"Calm down...take aim...the biggest, heaviest...thing I know...come forth, cauldron!" Deuce mutters and focuses his magic before aiming his magic pen at the monster. A cauldron appears over the monster and it lands right on top of it making it fall unconscious.


"Got it! Nice work everyone!" Grim cheers and fistpumps the air. Looks like our plan is a success, but we're not out of the woods just yet! "Hey, look! The monster looks flat as a pancake just like Ace earlier!"

"You don't need to bring that up again! Jeez, today just isn't my day." Ace said with an annoyed expression on his face.

Hey! It's what you get for trying to escape punishment, you know!

"Let's go get the magic crystal while that thing can't move!" Deuce tells us and we quickly run inside the mine leaving the monster behind.



(Dwarf's Mine- Interior)

All of us look around for the magic crystal until we see it shining down at the far end of the mine.

"There! A magic crystal!" Deuce exclaims.

"We found it!" I smile and we use our hands to dig it out. After we got it out of the wall, I brush the dirt off of it when I stare at the entrance making my face suddenly contort into fear. "Uhh, guys?" I spoke up and we see the monster regaining consciousness.

"Hands ooooooofffffffff!!" The monster roars trying to break free from our trap. That thing is standing between us and freedom so if it goes after us, we're screwed!

"Crap! That thing is almost free!" Ace says.

"Oi, Deuce! Throw some more stuff on it!" Grim tells him frantically with a sweatdrop.

"Eeeh, something heavy?! C-come forth! Cauldron!" Deuce starts to panic and points his magic pen at the monster. He summons a cauldron but the monster deflects it. "And, uuummm, ummmm, cauldron?" He summons another cauldron but it does the same thing again. "One more, cauldron!" Then another one.

"Nnnguaaa!!" The monster growls.

Is cauldrons the only heaviest thing that Deuce can think of?!

"Do you have nothing but cauldrons in your repertoire?!" Ace asks the dark blue-haired male with sarcasm in his voice.

"Shut up! I'm at my wits' end here!" Deuce snaps.

But, their bickering ends off short when Grim sends out his blue flames between the two guys. "We got the magic crystal! Let's skedaddle!" Grim says and I nod as he hops onto my shoulder.

"Roger!" Ace says and he, Deuce, Grim, and I bolt towards the entrance with the magic crystal in hand.

The third part of our plan is done! Now let's get out of this mine so we can hand over the magic crystal to the headmaster!

"That. Is...MIIIIIIIIIINNNEE!!!" The monster roars aggressively while emphasizing each word and begins to chase after us.



Our plan had worked and we got the magic crystal but that means our battle is not over yet! Now all there's left is the faceless monster! We can still defeat him and return to school with the magic crystal!

My Twisted Adventure (Twisted Wonderland x femoc)Where stories live. Discover now