🐈‍⬛A start of a new adventure!🐈‍⬛

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~Ame's P.O.V

(Exterior Hallway 2F)

After we left the headmaster's office, nighttime was rolling in as the four of us walk down the hallway going back to our dorms.

Man, what a long day this has been for us. Grim and I started our first day as janitors, meeting Ace and got in trouble for him burning one of the statues, Deuce helped us catch Ace but ended up catching Grim who tried to escape, broke the 10 million madol chandelier, went to the mine to find a magic crystal and almost got killed by a monster, and now we avoided expulsion.

That's a relief...

But the best part is Grim and I have gone from janitors to enrolled as students of Night Raven College!

"Haaaaaah...expulsion rescinded...I'm beat." Deuce groans feeling both tired and exhausted.

"Oh my, oh my..." Ace adds on as he walks beside him.

I stare at Grim who's walking ahead of us singing happily with a close-eyed smile.

"La lala! I start as a student of Night Raven College tomorrow! I'm gonna leave you all in the dust and take the top spot!" Grim faces us and smiles confidently.

"You talk big for someone who is only half a student. Anyway, it's fine." Ace replies.

"We're classmates tomorrow, Supervisor, Grim." Deuce mentions to us and I nod while holding my uniform in my hands.

"Once again, nice to meet you, guys." I give the two guys a sweet smile and a little blush appears on their cheeks.

"Saying that again is really embarrassing, will you stop?" Ace looks away all flustered with the blush still on his cheeks making me giggle.

"Pfft, that's true. Even if we don't want to, we're going to see each other everyday. I'm even in Heartslabyul with this jerk." Deuce says then glances at Ace next to him.

"Thinking about seeing your serious mug everyday, no thanks." Ace snickers.

"That's my line, truant Ace." Deuce retorts while glaring daggers at the redhead.

Here they go again..

"Sure, sure, almost-expelled-crybaby Deuce. Alrighty, see you tomorrow, Supervisor." Ace said then turns to me with a smile along with Deuce and gives me a two-finger salute.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow!" I nod and they walk ahead of me before they start to bicker on their way back to Heartslabyul. "Ah, those names...they might actually make a good combo."

Grim climbs onto my shoulder staring at Ace and Deuce the further they walk away. "Those guys might make a good combo. They're like the fight because they're so close type."

"You said it." I agree and I start to walk down the hall. "You and I make a pretty good team, Grim." I smile over at Grim and pet his head.

"We sure do." Grim sends me a toothy smile in agreement feeling himself getting excited. "We better get back to the dorm! Tomorrow, we aren't the handyman! Finally...finally! Our bright and shiny academy life at Night Raven College begins!"

"That's right! Let's go!" I agree and we continue our way out of the school and back to Ramshackle dorm. We're not gonna be cleaning tomorrow but instead, we'll be going to school for real!


(Time skip)

We made it back to our dorm where we were greeted by Moe, Stretch, and Fatso right as we walked in. They told us they made dinner for us since we're hungry and worn out from being out for so long. I smile as we ate and tell them about Grim and I being enrolled at school as students.

After dinner, Grim and I head to our room for the night. I place my ghost camera on the nightstand beside the bed and my school uniform on the reading chair. I grab my pjs and went to the bathroom to take a shower and change.

Luckily, the shower seems to work so I turned it on and let it heat up while I find soap, shampoo, and conditioner in the cabinet with a few bath towels. When the water is heated up, I strip off my clothes and step in making me sigh at the relaxing feeling. I take the soap and lather it on my body to wash away the sweat and dirt before I wash my hair with the shampoo and conditioner before turning off the water and stepping out. After I dry myself off, I put on my pjs and brush my teeth.

I walk out of the bathroom to find Grim on my bed and I quietly climb into it and settle in.

"Goodnight, Grim." I tell him with a soft smile.

"Goodnight, Ame." Grim replies and he falls asleep.

I turn to the other side where I stare out the window at the star-filled sky in thought.

You know, something? Maybe this world isn't so bad after all. Grim and I are starting to get along and being enrolled together as half a student at this school, made some new friends, and avoided being expelled. And you know what?

I think I'm gonna like it here.😊

I smile to myself before shutting my eyes and fall asleep. And so...my adventure at Night Raven College in Twisted Wonderland is about to begin!



So there you have it, guys! The prologue is done and Ame's adventure is just beginning!

We're rolling on to the first chapter of this story which is Heartslabyul! That means more love interests, the battle with the first overblot, and lots more to come!

See you guys in the next chapter: The Crimson Tyrant!

My Twisted Adventure (Twisted Wonderland x femoc)Where stories live. Discover now