🌹Deuce's bad boy past🌹

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~Ame's P.O.V

(Main Street)

Grim and I stood by astounded as we watch Deuce beat up those delinquents to a pulp.

Watching the fight and seeing Deuce act like this makes me reminisce of my brother. Like I mentioned before, Yuu and I have always been so close since we were little. Whenever someone picks on us, Yuu would step in whether it's a couple of bullies, he would defend me and he'd kick their asses.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts when I see the two guys hit the ground on their backs and they both stare at Deuce in fear, sweating bullets.

"T-this guy is straight up mad! That wasn't just six hits! Liar!" The white-haired delinquent stutters from his spot on the ground after being beaten.

"Let's get the hell outta here! I'm sorry to all chickens!" The red-haired delinquent exclaims and they run off with their tails between their legs.

"Apologize 100 times next time you eat eggs! Dumbasses!!" Deuce calls out while he, Grim, and I watch them run farther down the street until they're out of our sights.

Whew! That was intense!

"W-whoa now!" I try to calm down Deuce while Grim hides behind me and hugs my leg in fear.


After Deuce calms himself and catches his breath, he collapses onto his knees and punches the ground in frustration. "Ugh!!"

"What's gotten into you?!" Grim asks.

"I-I screwed up...I vowed that I'd definitely, definitely, be an honors student this time...!" Deuce trails off feeling ashamed.

"Eeeh?" Grim and I stare at the dark blue-haired male in confusion.

"In middle school, all I ever did was screw around...I constantly skipped school and spent all my time getting into fights. I disrespected all my teachers, hung around sketchy upperclassmen, and bleached my hair to death. Even ran around all over the place riding a magical wheel. I was a terrible person that went as far as to use magic to lord over those who couldn't." Deuce explains.

"Just now you went full bad boy on those guys!" Grim says.

"I never would've guessed." I admit with a shocked expression. 'Deuce seems so nice and respectful. I didn't know he used to be a delinquent himself.'

"Then, one night...I saw my Mom hiding away in tears as she called my Grandma. 'Was the way I raised him wrong? Would it have been better if he had both parents?' She was wrong. Mom never did anything wrong. It was all me! So when the carriage from Night Raven College came to get me, my Mom was so happy and I don't want to make her cry again. This time, I'm going to be an honors student my Mom can be proud of." Deuce continues but his mood changes as his head lowers again in shame. "...Then, I do this. Shit!"

Grim and I went silent but also feeling bad just by listening to his backstory. Man, he had been through so much. Now we know exactly why Deuce is aiming to be an honors student.

"But, y'know...does being an honors student mean you have to grin and bear everything? Those delinquents deserved another ten punches if you ask me! You fought them off before I could, though." Grim says.

I start to feel sympathetic for Deuce so I put the bags down and walk towards him. I walk around and crouch down in front of him, resting my hands on my knees so we're face-to-face. "That's right! Don't go too far but more than that, I'm relieved."

Upon hearing our opinions, Deuce stares at us in awe. "You guys..."

"Honor students get mad, too, you know." I say with a sincere smile and Deuce stares at me taking in what I said causing a light blush to dust his cheeks.

"Really?...Heh, heh." He smiles and chuckles before looking at the broken eggs on the ground. He scoops up some of the egg in his hands and stands back up. "May those baby chicks rest in peace." He says then my face quickly begins to freeze.

'Oh no! Does he not know that baby chicks don't come from these eggs?!' My face pales in fear as I start to sweat nervously. 'Oh man, this is bad! What do I say to him? Maybe if I simply tell him about where chicks come from, he'll understand, right? I mean, how bad can it possibly be?' I can't believe I'm telling him this. "Uh, Deuce? I hate to say this, but...there won't be any baby chicks." I tell him and gives me a confused expression.


"These eggs here are unfertilized, so...they'll never hatch or mature.." I explain and we both stare at the broken eggs on the ground in silence.

"EEEEEEEEHHHHHH????!!!!! YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING?!?!?!?!" Deuce's voice echoes throughout the entire Main Street making the birds caw and fly out of the trees

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"EEEEEEEEHHHHHH????!!!!! YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING?!?!?!?!" Deuce's voice echoes throughout the entire Main Street making the birds caw and fly out of the trees.

Well..back to the store we go..


(Time skip)

While we're making a trip back to Mr.S's Mystery Shop, I try my best to console Deuce and explain the difference between a fertilized and a unfertilized egg to him. But, he's still in utter shock after what I said back there..

When we made it to the store, I explain to Mr.S on what happened back at Main Street and that half of our eggs got broken. I ask him for another dozen eggs and he said he'll happily give them to us for half price.

I smile as he reappears from out of the shadows with a new carton of dozen eggs and gives them to us. "Alright! Here we go. Thanks, Mr.S!"

"No problem!" Mr.S smiles in reply. "I already reported to the headmaster those two guys you mentioned to me earlier, so he'll take care of it." He adds which made me smile in relief.

"Thanks!" I thank him and he nods before noticing Deuce from behind me.

"So..is your friend here gonna be okay?" Mr.S asks with a concern but weird look on his face and I look over at Deuce who's sulking with a dark aura surrounding him.

"He'll be okay. He's just in shock because I had to tell him the actual truth about baby chicks and he didn't take it so well." I explain sheepishly.

"Oof! Was it that bad?" Mr.S asks and I nod in reply.

"Yeah, really..."



"Oh, you're finally back. That sure took a while." Ace said.

Deuce, Grim, and I walk in the kitchen with the bags of ingredients; despite having to get another dozen eggs after those delinquents broke about half of them and that caused Deuce to get into a fistfight. But, at least our worries are over.

"Let's finish this up." Trey adds and all of us agree as he takes the bags off our hands and begins to make the whip cream for the mont blanc.



So, we finally know a little about Deuce's past and how he went from a delinquent to what he is now.

I feel so bad for Deuce after we had to tell him the truth about eggs and chicks😭

But, the good thing is we'll be getting a piece of mont blanc so let's hope it'll taste just as good!

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