🌹A faulty reception🌹

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~Ame's P.O.V

(Heartslabyul Dorm- Tea Garden)

"Wait just a moment! You really have dumbass rules like that?" Ace couldn't get over the fact that Riddle told us one of the rules for not bringing a mont blanc to an Unbirthday.

Not just Ace, me, Grim, Deuce, Trey, and Cater are also shocked by this too. We were hoping for Riddle to like the tart we made but, instead, we got the exact opposite of what we wanted.

"Yeah! I'll eat it if you're just gonna toss it!" Grim protests not allowing a really tasty-looking dessert to go to waste.

Trey approaches the dorm leader and takes off his fedora in respect. "My deepest apologies, dorm leader. I was the one who said we should make a mont blanc." He says, trying to take the blame for us.

"Yeah, yeah. I didn't think there would be a rule for something like that." Cater agrees with the green-haired male.

"Making it isn't the problem here. The fact is that you brought it here! Now, today is the problem!" Riddle exclaims with his fists clenched at his sides.

I grit my teeth in frustration like he's making a big deal out of it. "What? Couldn't you phrase it better since we worked so hard on the tart? Anyone who follows that kind of rule is an idiot!" I retort.

Come on, it's just a tart! Does he have any idea how much time and effort we've spent yesterday on making it?

"Idiot...you say?" Riddle sends me a harsh glare at my snide remark.

"Wait, Ame, stop! That word is taboo!" Cater quickly appears from beside me and hushes me. "And Riddle, these are freshmen that are still learning the ropes." He turns back to the dorm leader and tries to persuade him with a nervous smile.

Ace is not having any of it and shakes his head in denial. "No, I'm gonna say it. Anyone who obeys that rule and tosses the tart is an idiot. Stop screwing around."

"I agree with Ace. I think that rules are meant to be followed but...this is too arbitrary." Deuce says crossing his arms across his chest.

Deuce, not you too.

"You've got quite the nerve, talking back to me. Listen well, even breaking insignificant rules leads to huge problems." Riddle said with a blank face and I watch our argument go on with nervous sweatdrop.

I know Riddle isn't going to let it go so I left the table and stand in front of Ace so I'm facing the dorm leader. "Riddle, we know that your rules are to be followed but, still..this was one rule we didn't know anything about until now! If we would've known about the tart, we never would've made it in the first place! Could you please just let it slide?" I throw my arms out to the side with my face growing with anxiety as I try to convince him.

"I cannot simply allow it. A rule is still a rule and therefore, you must face the consequences." Riddle replies calmly with his eyes narrowed.

"The other residents are afraid of getting their magic sealed so they don't speak up. But, I'm sure they feel the same!" Ace protests and gestures towards the Heartslabyul residents like he's dragging them into our heated discussion. But, it's also making nervous.

"Ah, no. We.." One of the residents tries to say something but couldn't find the right words.

"Huuh. Is that so?" Riddle questions with his eyebrow raised.

"Not at all, dorm leader!" Another resident answers bluntly.

"Everything is based on your judgment!" Another one agrees.

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