🐈‍⬛Rash tactics🐈‍⬛

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~Ame's P.O.V


"Crap! He's darting around everywhere!" Ace says while he, Deuce, and I made it back to the cafeteria but we're still trying to catch Grim. After we caught Ace for escaping punishment, that cat snuck out on us.

I mean, seriously? Just how fast can that cat run? He's like an escape artist or something!

"Heheheh! Catch me if you can, suckers!" Grim taunts with a toothy smile and gets on the chandelier.

"Grim, get down from there!" I call out to him as he hangs on.

"Kun, getting on the chandelier is an underhanded move! We haven't learned the magic to fly yet...we need something to get up there, and also catch him..." Deuce mutters to himself until something hits him making him gasp. "Ah, I've got it!"

"I've gotta think of an idea..." Ace said then he looks over at Deuce. "Whoa, whoa, wait a sec! Why are you pointing your magic pen at me?!" He asks taken aback in shock.

"I'll just throw you!" Deuce replies.

Throw Ace?! Are you crazy?!

"Eeeeeehhh?! I've got a bad feeling about this." I say to myself while sweating nervously. I don't know what's gonna happen and now I'm starting to have second thoughts.

"You're joking?! Wooaaahaaa! Don't make me float!" Ace exclaims feeling himself being lifted off the ground. "You're really going to throw me?! Knock it off!"

Deuce ignores it and aims Ace right at the chandelier where Grim is. "Catch him, ya hear. Take aim...fire!" And there he goes!

"Gyeeuuuhh hhhaaaaaa!!" Ace screams while flying through the air towards the chandelier.

"Ffngaaaaaa??!!" Grim's face grows into shock and after Ace caught him, the chandelier began to rock side to side, falls off the ceiling heading straight down...


It shatters as it hits the floor and breaks into small pieces!

"The cha-chandelier!!!!" My eyes widen in shock with my jaw all slack at the sight of what used to be a chandelier, now broken into pieces.

"I can't believe it!" Ace lifts himself off the ground and coughs up the dust from the impact.

"Grim, are you okay?" I run over to the cat in worry and hold him in my arms. He groans half conscious with his head spinning.


I grit my teeth frantically as I stare at the pieces of the chandelier scattered on the floor. "Oh man, Crowley's gonna kill us!"

"I-I screwed up! I didn't think about the landing!" Deuce stutters out as Ace approaches him.

"Are you...AN IDIOOOOOOTTT???!!!!" Ace yells. "We caught Grim but if the headmaster finds out we busted the chandelier..."

"If I...find out?" Right on cue, Crowley appears with a huge scowl on his face.

"Oh boy, you woke up, Dumb-dumb." I frown and put on a poker face when I hear Crowley's voice behind me.

"Ah...headmaster..." Ace notices Crowley and struggles to find a way to explain what happened.

"Just. What. Exactly. ARE YOU ALL DOING???!!!" Crowley yells at us all furious making my face contort into fear.

"Ffnyaaa...the room is spinning..." Grim groans seeing stars floating around his head.

"You weren't satisfied with just damaging the statue so you decided to destroy the chandelier?! This is the last straw. I will have all of you expelled!" Crowley tells us with strictness in his tone making me, Ace, and Deuce react in fear.


This day couldn't get any worse than this! He can't expel us! There has to be a way to fix it!

"Please! Anything but that! I have things I have to do at this school!" Deuce steps up and pleads with the headmaster.

"You have nothing to blame but your own idiocy." Crowley said harshly crossing his arms across his chest.

"I will pay for all the damages if I have to!" Deuce tells him desperately.

"This is no normal chandelier. This is a magical chandelier that uses candles that will burn for eternity. It is a masterpiece made by a legendary maester of magical tools. It has been entrusted to the school since its very foundation...taking into consideration its historical value, it would cost no less than a billion madol. Can you pay for those damages?" Crowley explains.


"A b-billion madol?!!" Deuce stutters taken aback in shock.

"It costs that much money to fix it?!" My jaw went limp at the high price.

"But teacher, can't you just fix it up with magic...?" Ace asks.

Crowley doubts it and shakes his head. "Magic is not all powerful. More importantly, what we call the heart of any magical tool, the magic crystal was shattered. No two magic crystals are the same. This chandelier will never be lit again."

"How can that..." Ace trails off.

"Crap...what am I doing...what am I going to tell Mom...?" Deuce hangs his head low and sulks in defeat making me look at the dark blue-haired male sadly.

Crowley stares at the duo until he realizes something placing his hand on his chin. "...That's right. There's one way. There might be one way to fix the chandelier."

"Eh?!" Well then, what is it?!

"The magic crystal for this chandelier was mined in the Dwarf's Mine. If we have a magic crystal of the same kind as the original, repairs might be possible." Crowley tells us.

"I will go find a magic crystal! Please, allow me to go!" Deuce exclaims wanting to do this and clenches his fist.

"However, I have no guarantee that there are any left in the mine. The mine has been closed for a while and it's very possible it's exhausted of crystals." Crowley adds on.

"I'll do anything to get the expulsion rescinded." Deuce says.

"...Fine. I shall give you one night. Come to me with a magic crystal by tomorrow morning, or face expulsion." Crowley sighs, giving in to Deuce's request and informs.

"Yes! Thank you very much!" Deuce said.

So it's a deal. We either get a magic crystal from the mine or get expulsion. No turning back now.

"Uuaaah. I suppose. Let's go get that magic crystal and be done with it." Ace accepts Crowley's proposal while rubbing the back of his head.

"Use the gate in the Mirror Chamber to go directly to Dwarf's Mine." Crowley said.

"Yes sir!" Deuce and I reply in unison until I look down at Grim who's starting to wake up after being half conscious for a while.

"Ha! What now...? What exactly did I...?" Grim asks himself in confusion with no clue to what's happening.

"You might've been happier staying unconscious." I deadpan with a sweatdrop.


(Time skip)

(Mirror Chamber)

"Aaaaah...why did it turn into something like this? Today is really not my day..." Ace groans in annoyance as he, Deuce, Grim, and I walk inside the Mirror Chamber to the Dark Mirror that will take us to Dwarf's Mine.

"Now isn't the time for mumbling! Let's go!" Deuce says and we stand in front of the Dark Mirror. "Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Light our way to Dwarf's Mine!" He tells the mirror.

I watch as the mirror starts to glow a bright white light making me shield my eyes. As we travel through the mirror, I keep hoping that we'll find a crystal.



Oh boy...looks like they're in huge trouble now. The chandelier is destroyed and they're getting expelled. But to avoid that, they'll have to get a crystal from the abandoned mine by tomorrow morning.

Will Ace, Deuce, Ame, and Grim find a magic crystal and get it to Crowley? We'll just have to find out and see!

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