🌹Multiple Caters?🌹

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~Ame's P.O.V

(Later that night)

(Ramshackle Dorm- Lounge)

Ace, Deuce, Grim, and I are sprawled out on the floor fast asleep with pillows and blankets. We stayed up late for a few hours playing card games and watched movies on Ace's phone. It wasn't much of a sleepover but we were tired out from making dessert for the Unbirthday Party.

Meanwhile, back in our room, the mirror above the fireplace starts to glow again and the same light engulfs me.


When the light dies down, my eyes open just to find myself back in the rose maze.

"...Another dream?" I ask myself as I look around. My eyes widen when I see more card soldiers like the ones I saw. From aces, to spades, hearts, clovers, and diamonds; all of them were lined up on both sides while standing across from each other, holding their lances.

"You went and sullied my roses! Prepare yourself!"

A really loud voice exclaims causes me to gasp and I snap my head over at the person towering over Alice and the card soldiers, who're on the ground, grasping an uprooted rose bush in her hand.

"So that's one of the Great Seven! That's the Queen of Hearts!" I reminisce remembering the statue I was cleaning before it got charred by Grim's flames. But, I wonder if she can see me or notice me?

Her black hair is tied up in a bun with a red ribbon and there's thin bangs that stick out in the front. Her long-sleeved dress has a high white collar with white trim on the bottom and it's parted into separate shades and parts. The right side of her dress has a red cuff with a black sleeve, the upper right chest is red, the right outer skirt is black and red while one half of the crinoline is yellow with two black stripes. The left side of her dress has a black cuff with a red sleeve, the upper left chest is black, the left outer skirt is red and black while the other half of the crinoline is black with two yellow stripes. She wears red flats, gold earrings, and her golden crown rests on top of her head.

Since how was she able to pull out one of her own rose bushes? Where did she get all that strength from?

"I beg your forgiveness, your highness! It's their fault." The Three of Clovers card tells her desperately and points his paintbrush at the other two cards that are beside Alice.

"It wasn't me! It was Ace!" The Two of Clovers card shakes his head in denial.

"Was it you?" The Queen of Hearts asks in a threatening tone.

"No, it was Two!" The Ace of Clovers card replies with a paint can on his head as red paint spills on his nose and chest.

"Two's doing?" She points her heart-shaped wand at the cards with a sadistic grin.

"No, it was Three!" The Two of Clovers card answers.

"Enough! Off with all their heads!" The Queen of Hearts has heard enough and she orders with a loud voice. The soldiers whistle and cheer for their queen which made her smile in satisfaction. "Hmmhmmm."

My face grows concerned as I stood by and watch some of the soldiers grab the other cards and drag them away by their arms. "They're getting punished just for painting white roses?"

"Of course, you lose your head for using the wrong color." A Two of Diamonds card says and I try to blend in with the crowd so I can overhear what they're saying.

"I can't believe anyone would mix up red and white." A Three of Spades card adds and I'm still watching the cards being dragged away with disbelief on my face.

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