🐈‍⬛Encountering a person🐈‍⬛

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~Ame's P.O.V

It only takes about a few minutes for Grim and I to walk from our dorm to Main Street. We had to get our supplies we needed before we left such as a step ladder, two scrubbing brushes, and a bucket filled with soapy water. I look around at the scenery on the way, passing by the gardens and The Hall of Mirrors. And then, we finally arrived at Main Street.

"Uwaaah! Amazing. So this is Main Street. I didn't get a good look yesterday but what's with these statues? All seven of them look pretty scary." Grim gasps in awe as we walk down.

I stare at the seven statues with amazement shining in my eyes. 'These statues are amazing! I remember seeing these people from the movies I watch when I was a kid!' I approach the statue of the Queen of Hearts and marvel it with a smile. "Looks like you're up first, your majesty." I mutter and mimic a slight bow.

I set up the ladder in front of it then place the bucket on the tray. I carefully climb up before grabbing one the brushes and begin to scrub it untill it's clean.

"This granny looks especially snobby." Grim stares at the statue of the Queen of Hearts holding a part of her dress with one hand and her heart wand with the other.

"You don't know about the Queen of Hearts?" An unknown voice says and I turn around to see a red-haired male who looks to be the same age as me with a red heart on left side of his face. He wears a school uniform which is a white collared long-sleeve shirt, a red vest with gold buttons on the front with a black blazer underneath with gold trim on the lapels, a black and white-striped necktie, a black glove on his left hand, black pants, red shoes, a red and black armband on his upper left arm, and a pen with a red crystal on top sticks out from his breast pocket of his blazer.

"Huh? The Queen of Hearts?" I stare at him with a curious expression.

"Queen of Hearts? Is she important?" Grim asks the red-haired male and he nods with a smile.

"In the past, she was the queen who lived in the Rose Maze." He said and I stare back at the statue in front of me in awe with interest. "She was someone who valued rules and discipline above all, strict in all things from the march of the Card Soldiers to the color of the rose bushes. It was a land of madness where all submit to her rule. Why you ask? Because or it was off with your head!" He explains.

"That's terrifying!" Hearing the last part made Grim recoil in fear.

"It's cool! I like it. Nobody would listen to a queen who's just nice all the time, right?" The red-haired male says.

Grim starts to understand his opinion and smirks. "I suppose. A strong leader is better. By the way, who are you?" He asks.

"I'm Ace. A fresh-faced first year. Nice to meetcha." Ace smiles and introduces himself while doing a shape of a heart with his hands making me blush.

'Oh my gosh! He's cute!'

"I am Grim. A genius who'll become the greatest magician. The dimwit over here is Ame. She's my henchman." Grim said and points over at me.

"You've got an odd sounding name." Ace said.

"For your info, Grim, I'm no henchman.." I correct him with a small pout and place the brush back in the bucket before climbing down the ladder. "Anyways, I'm Ame. Nice to meet you!" I give Ace a close-eyed smile and he starts to blush but shakes it off.

"Hey, Ace. The lion over there with the scar, are they famous?" Grim asks and points at another one of the seven statues. I glance at the statue of Scar standing on the edge of pride rock.

"Of course!" Ace nods and starts to explain. "This is the King of Beasts who rules the savannah. However, he was not born to be king, but he took the throne through effort and elaborate planning. After becoming king, he even allowed the loathed hyenas to live in his kingdom without discrimination."

"Ooooh! I guess he was a rock not held captive by his status!" Grim says feeling impressed. "Who's the lady with the octopus legs?" He points at another statue of Ursula holding a contract in her hand.

"The Sea Witch who lives in a cavern in the deep. Her purpose was to help all unfortunate merfolk. As long as you could pay the price, she could transform you, help you find love, anything. If it within her power, there wasn't anything she wouldn't do. They say her prices were pretty high, though. That's what it costs for anything." Ace explains.

"Nyaaa ha! So what you're saying is I can get rich if I become a great magician!?" Grim's eyes widen with excitement on his face. "Then, what about this man in the big hat?" He points at another statue of Jafar standing proud while holding his cobra-shaped staff.

"The Sorcerer of the Sand. He was a cunning vizier to a foolish sultan and saw through the fake prince that was actually a street rat trying to deceive the princess. Then, he got a magic lamp and became the most powerful sorcerer of all! With that power, they say he became sultan." Ace explains.

"Ho hoh! So it is important for magicians to be the center of attention!" Grim states to himself with interest. "Ooooh! This lady sure is beautiful!" He stares at the statue of the Evil Queen holding the stem of a poison apple.

"She is the Beautiful Queen. Every day, she checked the beauty ranking in her magic mirror. And when it looked like she might fall from the number one spot, she never hesitated to do anything to get it back. I guess she had the strong will to remain the most beautiful in the world? So freaking amazing. They say she was even adept at making poisons." Ace explains.

"She's pretty but...no thanks..." Grim cringes just by thinking about it.

"You think? But, it's cool that she has something she'll never give up." Ace says.

"S-sure, that single-minded drive is pretty cool." Grim agrees with the redhead's opinion. "Over there, what's with that guy on fire? Just looking at it gives me goosebumps." He points at the statue of Hades igniting his finger on fire.

I stare at the statue in surprise. 'I remember him! Hades, the Greek god of the Underworld. I remember learning about the Greek Gods at school in history class!'

"Lord of the Underworld. He rules a land crawling with evil spirits on his own; no doubt he is extremely skilled. Even though he's got a scary face, he did that detestable job without ever taking a vacation and sincerity won over Cerberus, the Hydra, even the Titans, to fight for him." Ace explains.

"Hhmm, hmmm. So having talent doesn't mean you get to be haughty. And the last one, with the horns?" Grim points at the last statue. And this time, it's a statue of Maleficent holding her staff in her hand.

"That is the Witch of Thorns from the Magic Mountains. Noble and elegant, even within the seven, she is top class in magic and curses! She can summon lightning and storms, cover an entire country in thorns, her magic is on a whole other level. There was even a time she transformed into a huge dragon!" Ace explains and finishes up the stories of the Great Seven.

"Whoa! That's awesome!" I said in amazement after hearing the origins of the seven statues.

"Oooh! A dragon! All monsters look up to them!" Grim says.

"They're all so cool...unlike a certain raccoon." Ace said which made Grim deadpan all of a sudden.

Oh boy!



With that, Ame and Grim now know about the Great Seven.

Yet, Ace did say 'a certain raccoon'. I wonder how he knew about it? Looks like things are gonna take a bad turn..

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