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(i am just twenty 😜 twenty 😍)

sus but we don't talk about that gang 😥

plz get help 🤥
why the hell did you even say that?

our dog 🤣
Bc u need to come

plz get help 🤥
i don't NEED to do anything you bitch

changbin 👿
I think you're overreacting just a bit-

plz get help 🤥
NO. i have the right to be mad.
how would you fucking feel if someone just dragged you into something you didn't even know abt or were even bothered to be informed abt??

our dog 🤣
It happens all the time
Ur not special

cat 😒
can you guys SHUT THE FUCK UP

plz get help 🤥
fuck you seungmin
youre the reason why this all started
and why felix feels like fucking shit
you should be ashamed of yourself.

our dog 🤣
Oh my god.
You do NOT know the shit I have to witness when I'm in this group chat. It's so painful seeing the stupidity. Like some of it is funny, but when there's something serious and everyone just acts like fucking idiots, it's aggravating.
You're aggravating, Hyunjin.

loud bitch 😡
seungmin what??

plz get help 🤥
at least i'm not just some soulless fuck like you

cat 😒
i'm jsut gonna say this bc i could care less about this argument,
you guys are lucky chan is busy atm
cause if he wasn't,
u guys would be dead 😹

plz get help 🤥
minho go fuck yourself

cat 😒
i didn't do anything?

plz get help 🤥
you're being an asshole
just fucking leave

loud bitch 😡
can you stop???
your arguing is gonna get you no where

cat 😒
i cant tell if ur being serious or not LMFAO

plz get help 🤥
oh i'm being serious.

cat 😒
idk what i did but ok

our dog 🤣
Oh my god

plz get help 🤥
what you did is fuck around with my feelings.
you lead me on, you asshole.
i fucking hate you.

cat 😒
i don't recall ever doing that

plz get help 🤥
i cant believe you.
just fucking leave.

changbin 👿
Stop being so rude
It's not his fault

yongbokie 😻
what is going on ???

plz get help 🤥
felix just
fucking stay out of this
this doesn't have anything to do with u

cat 😒

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