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"i hope that explains most of it," felix sighed from where he was sitting on floor of his living room, the seven other boys surrounding him. "i tried to describe it in the best detail but most of the memories of really old so they're quite hazy."

jeongin's eyes were widened and felix was starting to become concerned from how long they've been widened, "i have so many questions."

hyunjin was covering his beet-red face with his hands as he muttered, "i can't believe you explained all of the shit that included me in it."

"i couldn't exactly leave out those parts because they were important," felix shrugged. "is anyone confused?"

"uh, yeah, very," minho blinked as jisung frowned next to him. "so you were forced into that bunny group or whatever by your cousin's friend? and you just accepted it?"

"well, they kinda manipulated me into it," felix frowned at the older. "i couldn't leave because they threatened to kill me and then they forced me to threaten seungmin to help me with the plan they gave me, or else i would've had to kill him..." he guiltily looked at the taller boy, who only held a unreadable gaze.

"what happened to yunjin?" chan tilted his head. "like you explained, i used to be friends with her and somi. i kind of hated it but i couldn't exactly do anything about it."

felix furrowed his eyebrows, "i think they still went to new york city, but i'm not sure. and what do you mean you couldn't do anything about it?"

the older shrugged, "i had a bunch of classes with them and they wouldn't leave me alone, so i was forced to be friends with them. they were popular and that made me popular even though i was younger than everyone in that friend group, i was invited to parties, etc. i also did a lot of shit i wished never happened, but you can't change the past, so i try to not think about it."

"oh my god," changbin, who had been strangely quiet the entire time, looked at him in pity. "i didn't know that happened to you bro, why didn't you tell me? i would've beat the shit out of them."

the australian boy quickly shook his head, "no, no! i don't care that much now because they all left and besides, you wouldn't hurt a fly."

jeongin frowned, turning towards felix, "you endured all of that but never thought to tell anyone in the school faculty? like did anyone know else outside of that group know about this?"

"he couldn't exactly do anything about it," seungmin answered for the older. "they would kill him if ever said anything like he said because they wanted to keep the myth as a myth."

"but i don't get how you never had the guts to say what yunjin did to you," hyunjin finally looked up, his blushing face calmed down. "you used to be such a no-bullshit person around me, minho, and jisung, and would always get onto us if we did something, but you never actually took your advice to heart."

felix sighed, "i don't think you understand how manipulative and psycho they all were. when yunjin left, she was pardoned by the ditto just like how mark was and her bunny mask was given to soyeon—"

"so," jisung interrupted the younger as he suddenly spoke, beginning to slowly nod. "you moved here from australia to live with your uncle and two cousins, one of which is THE popular jeon heejin and then the valedictorian of last year's group jeon somi. then, you met minho, changbin, hyunjin, and seungmin during your third year of middle school, which is when you first laid eyes on jeongin but you never acted on the attraction you had for him. then, yunjin forced you into the cult group thing because she called you the chosen one from ditto or whatever, causing you to meet that guy that's dating haechan. and thennnn, you and hyunjin started to crush on one another which led to you guys kissing and your homophobic uncle walked in on it and slapped hyunjin and then he beat you and made you yell at hyunjin. and then, he went through your journal and you stabbed him right in front of somi, making them leave you there and then you started highschool and met me and chan and you had sex with hyunjin after our end of year field trip, which i didn't even know about so i'm still shocked about that. and finally, you stalked for ten minutes to find jeongin's instagram account. is that all right?"

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