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(TW: drinking)

felix frowned, it was already 3am, and he was blankly staring down at his math homework. he didn't truly understand the various problems on the textbook pages, even after staring at them for a solid thirty minutes. felix sighed, growing drowsy from all the thinking he's done, before being caught off-guard by his ringtone going off, signaling someone was calling him.

he picked up his phone that was sitting face down next to him, looking at the caller id. felix tilted his head in curiosity, why were they calling him? frowning, he pressed the green accept button, bringing the phone to his ear.

"hello?" his deep voice rang throughout his quiet bedroom.

"ahHhhhhhhhhhhhhh, felixxxXxxXxXx~"

"um, are you okay?"

"i'm feeling-g sexy, heheheheheheehee!"

"you sound drunk as hell, have you been drinking again?"

"n-no," they hiccuped.

he made a disgusted expression, "you obviously have! i've told you this before countless times, stop drinking!"

"no, lixie, you don't k-know but seungminnie doesn't like meEeEeeEeEe! i'm sooooooooooo sad!"


"m-minnie doesn't love me! h-he loooooooves jeongin! a-and jeongin loooooooooves seungminnie!"

"oh my god," felix's eyes widened, "are you actually being serious?"

"y-yes! i would neeevvveerrrrrr lie to MYYYYYY best friend!" they laughed as if it was the funniest thing they ever said.

"...we're not friends anymore, hyunjin. remember?"

"h-huh? but we AREEEEEEEEEE! don't be ssssiiillllllyyyyyy, lixie!"

"look..." felix trailed off, debating whether to say this or not, "hyunjinnie, go to sleep. i don't know why you got drunk, but please just go to bed. you need to stop this, i've been saying it for months now, it's not healthy." he shook his head, felix was practically begging the boy who did not care for him at all to stay safe.

"lixie, do you want to date?"

felix almost threw his phone across the room, "what?"

"d-do you want to gOoOoOoO ouUtTt?" hyunjin hiccuped again.

"n-no! i thought you liked seungmin!"

"he doesn't like me!" felix heard him start to full-on sob, "nobody likes me, lixie."

he felt a pang of sympathy for the older, "jinnie, please don't cry. people do like you, i'm sure minnie does like you but he just won't tell you. now go to sleep and it'll be alright."

hyunjin sniffled, "i d-don't want to slEeEeEep, lixie!"


"i have nightmares!"

"nightmares?" he repeated in disbelief.

"y-yes," hyunjin hiccuped, "it's always a-about these five buNniIeEes and some gIiIiRrrLLl that t-try to kill m-me!" he started to cry again, the volume almost exploding felix's eardrum.

felix frowned at the obscure description, "please don't cry, it's not real, i promise you."

"i-it iSSsSsSss, l-lixie!"

"no it's not, jinnie," he sighed, "look, i need to go soon, but is there anything i could do to help you now?"

"come to mYyyyyYyyYyY bedroom!"

"i can't, we have school tomorrow. besides," felix looked at the wall bitterly, "i don't think you would like that."

"what are you talking about, f-felix? i would LLLLOOOVVVEEEEE it!"

"no, hyunjin, i can't."

"y-yes you can!" he hiccuped.

felix sighed, "i can't believe i'm giving in, but okay."

"yyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!" felix swore he heard hyunjin throw his phone.

"uh, i hope you didn't just die, but i'll be there soon."

"d-don't hang up." was very faintly heard coming from hyunjin's side.

"i won't," he sighed.

i told myself not to give in, so why the hell am i doing this?

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