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"you want me to ask chuu to invite who now?" the girl's eyes rounded.

"these seven boys, they're my closest friends!" felix smiled, pushing a paper towards the tall, pretty student body president jang wonyoung.

she picked up the paper, scanning over it. "alright..." wonyoung tapped her chin, lost in thought, before abruptly jumping back into her seat.

"is there something wrong, president?" he gazed at her with concern.

"the last name on your list..." wonyoung trailed off, " somebody that i used to know."

"huh?" felix tilted his head, "who are you talking about?"

she pointed to the name, a grim look on her face, "yang jeongin. we used to be..." wonyoung cleared her throat, "close, i guess you could say."

his eyes widened, disbelief washing over him. "o—oh! that's such a surprise." felix didn't know how to respond, he was too appalled at the fact that jeongin used to be friends with wonyoung, out of all people.

"yes, but," she looked away, "that was in the past and i would not like to remember it. though he was the most kindest and innocent person i've ever met..." she murmured the last part to herself, but felix still heard her despite starting to feel annoyed of their past together.

"i'm sorry for whatever happened, president," he replied, furrowing his eyebrows, "but would be able to ask jiwoo? they're still my friends, y'know..." felix trailed off, mentally congratulating himself at well he was convincing the pretty president.

"as soon as i talk to chuu again, i'll see what i can do, felix." wonyoung nodded, before turning her attention to the sudden commotion outside.

as if on cue, the secretary kim jiwoo kicked opened the doors, six figures standing behind her. "hiii! i heard that an emergency student council meeting was called!" she smiled, "so i brought the rest of the members!"

"hi president wonyoung," the shy student body vice-president kim minjeong greeted, taking her seat next to the president.

oh it's the girl that sits next to jeongin in our korean class... felix grimly thought as he watched the girl, annoyance and jealousy flooding over him.

wonyoung looked at her fellow members perplexed as they sat down in their corresponding seats. "who said there was an emergency meeting?" she asked, clearly confused.

the treasurer yang jungwon shrugged as the historian jeon heejin sighed, "chuu told me that i had to follow her or else i would get killed."

"she told me that too!" the committee chairperson jeon soyeon exclaimed, throwing her hands up from her seat.

"chuu!" wonyoung scolded, "don't threaten people's lives! especially your fellow members' lives!"

"i'm sorry president," jiwoo cutely pouted, resulting in a smile from a few people.

"i don't know what even happened, i got told by yeonjun to come here," the parliamentarian choi soobin gazed at them in concern.

"my boyfriend told you to come here?" wonyoung was appalled at the current situation, and it didn't help it was all in front of a regular student not in the council.

"yeah," he frowned, before whispering something to the student body reporter park sunghoon, who was sitting directly next to him.

wonyoung let out a heavy sigh. "winter, we need to get you a boyfriend," she abruptly said, throwing minjeong off guard.

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