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changbin and seungmin were sitting in the school's library during their study hall, as seungmin was trying to ask changbin rather peculiar questions.

"so should i go find him?" he blinked, "i know where his last class is, and i really don't want to go on like this anymore."

changbin frowned, "why are you even trying to go walk with hyunjin again?"

"'cause, changbin..." seungmin trailed off, fidgeting with his fingers, "it might be wrong for me to say this, but, i have liked him ever since we've met."

his eyes widened, "you like him?! then what the hell happened for you two to hate each other?"

"i was jealous," he firmly replied, "i was jealous of him and felix and—" seungmin suddenly stopped, his gaze towards changbin turning weary.

"and?" changbin nudged him on, but seungmin shook his head in reply.

"forget about it, changbin." he muttered, "just know that everything happens for a reason."

seungmin got up from his seat, his gaze looked distracted as if he were thoughtfully thinking. he took his things with him and left, leaving changbin there to ponder what the actual fuck was their conversation.


"hey, are you ok?" a deep-yet-feminine voice called out from behind him.

seungmin turned around to narrow his eyes at whoever bothered his walk along the school. he saw a shorter girl with medium-long black hair holding a lifeless, dark brown gaze towards him. she looked as if she shined in a dark yet bright way, with mist floating around her.

"who are you?!" he spat, annoyed at the girl for interrupting his walk.

"i'd rather you not know," she guiltily looked away, shuffling in her medium-heeled, black mary-janes, "it's personal, i guess i should say."

"how is a name personal?" he crossed his arms.

"my name is something that is dead to me," she sharply replied, "hence, that's why it's personal."

"then what should i call you?" seungmin didn't let his guard down, the already-strange girl was creeping him out even more.

she shook her head, "jeez, you are a strange one, just don't refer to me as anything. besides," she tilted her head, "i'm surprised you heard me, nobody else does."

seungmin stared at her in bewilderment and confusion, not knowing what to say. shaking his head, he kept on walking, only for the girl to walk beside him. seungmin side-eyed her before she spoke again, "strange boy, you must be wondering why you've never seen me at school before."

"not really, but you can tell me if you want." he replied, suddenly starting to slowly feel tired yet disturbed because of what she called him.

"i've been going here for some time now," she began, "some of my best friends are sitting in those very same classrooms. but," her gaze darkened, "they haven't spoken to me in quite some time. when i try to talk to them, they act as if i'm invisible."

seungmin furrowed his eyebrows, "what do you mean 'invisible'?"

she frowned, "they walk by without even looking my way. i've screamed at them in the hallways countless times and they didn't even briefly send a glance towards me." the girl sorrowfully looked at seungmin as they were now near the school gates, "thus, it's my time to leave."

"wait what, that's your story? why do you need to go now?" he was suddenly interested about the peculiar girl.

"i'll see you tomorrow, strange boy." she softly waved at him, backing into the mist that was lightly and playfully gliding around her.

"huh?! i didn't even tell you my name!—" seungmin didn't even get to spare one final glance as a certain-tall-someone came charging at him.

"hey, seungmin!" hyunjin giddily smiled, "who were you shouting at, there was nobody around!"

a light blush dusted seungmin's face as the boys made eye contact, before seungmin shook his head.

"you wouldn't get it."

(tbh idk how to feel about this)

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