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(brace yourselves and if you want to skip that part, it starts at the second three dots like the one below and all throughout every chapter vvv)


felix glared at hyunjin, scolding him, "why the FUCK did you bring alcohol on our end-of-year school field trip?! i'm surprised they even let you into the fucking theme-park!"

hyunjin rolled his eyes, holding the glass bottle in his hands, "calm down it's just some alcohol, it's not like i brought cocaine into the park."

"still, it's just as bad! we're only sixteen, we're not supposed to have this shit!" the australian boy waved his hands up and down, clearly pissed off. "i know you got a drinking problem but what the hell, dude?"

"you're overreacting, idiot," the older shook his head, putting the bottle back into his backpack. "hey, maybe you'll want some later?"

"i've never had alcohol before, so why the fuck would i want it now?" the younger spat. "minho and jisung are probably looking for us anyways, so let's get out of this creepy, dark ass bathroom." he grabbed hyunjin by the hand, throwing the exit door open.

"you're crazy, felix," hyunjin dramatically muttered from behind him as they walked, the two boys still unconsciously holding hands.

the australian boy stopped and glared at him, now at his side, "you're the one that sneaked in illegal shit, so i wouldn't be talking if i were—"

"pfftt, why the hell are you guys holding hands?" minho stood next to jisung, covering his face with his hands as if he wasn't trying to laugh his ass off. "like are you dating or what?"

felix yanked his hand out of hyunjin's, rolling his eyes, "he wouldn't leave the bathroom without me dragging him out of there." that was lowkey a lie but i don't give a fuck and i don't want to tell them hyunjin drinks, felix bitterly thought as he started to walk ahead, making his way to the next ride that was in his sight.

jisung side-eyed the younger as the three boys followed behind him, "who shit in his food today?"

hyunjin rolled his eyes, "he's just being stupid, he'll get over it soon. besides, he better because we aRE AT LOTTE FUCKING WORLD!" the taller boy jumped up and down, scaring jisung and making minho look at him with disgust.

"stop hyunjin, you're weird as fuck 🗿," minho shook his head, the four boys now in line for a ride. "we are out in public and you need to act like it, bitch."

"says you," he dramatically crossed his arms and huffed. "you're even more weird than me!"

"no i'm not!"

"yes you are!"

"no i'm not!"

"yes you are!"

jisung walked in between the bickering boys to go stand with felix, "uh, what ride are we even in line for? did anyone check—"

"no i'm not!"

"yes you are!"

"no i'm not!"

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