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felix was tapping his pen on the school desk, the math equation the teacher was going over in the front of the room did not particularly interest the australian boy at the moment. he quickly glanced over at the dark, almost pitch black, haired boy who was sitting next to him as he looked equally as bored while he rested his head on his propped-up arm.

conflicted on whether or not to tap his shoulder and talk to him, felix pulled a piece of paper out from his notebook and wrote a sloppy "hi" on it with his pencil. he then folded the paper and pushed it onto the dark-haired boy's desk where he then at the same exact time put his arm down and looked at felix with concern.

felix watched as he opened the note, staring at it for a few brief seconds before picking up his pencil and writing something, pushing the note back towards the freckled boy. "hi." was all he wrote, as felix furrowed his eyebrows and wrote "what's your name? :))," as he pushed the paper back, hoping the smiley faces would make his desk-mate to not be so dull.

he then saw the boy scribble and then push the note back towards felix, letting out a sigh. "why are you asking?" he rolled his eyes at the response, before writing down his reply.

their conversation on the paper went:

"i just want to know since we have two classes together >:("

"we do?"

"yes! this and korean class! i think i sit behind you in there tho"

"oh, cool."

"sorry that we're talking using a paper, i didn't want us to get in trouble with the teacher^^'"

"no it's fine, i understand."

"so, uh, what's your name? :)"

"why do you want to know so bad?"

"because we're partners! in school! it's normal to ask for each others names and besides, i don't recognize you from middle school so are you new?"

"no, i've lived here all my life. do i really look that different?"

"i just cant see your eyes, your hair is too long, bro :["

"good, that's what i was trying to do."

"why?! i bet you're cute"


"am i not allowed to compliment you?"

"idk, but that was weird as fuck."

"just tell me your name then :["

"fine oh my god, i'm jeongin."

felix stared at the paper, he can't be THE yang jeongin, right? he was still deeply horrified of him during middle school, but he picked up his pencil and wrote anyways.

"i'm felix, do you have insta? or snap :)?"

"no, i deleted all of those a few months ago."

"huh? why?"

"personal reasons, i guess."

the bell then rang as jeongin packed up and left without looking over at felix, which left the boy frowning. there's no way in hell he doesn't have instagram at least, he thought as he packed up. i'm going to search his name anyways! when i get home at least... felix smirked as he left the classroom, walking down the hallway.


"alright, now let's look up 'jeongin'..." felix spoke outloud to himself, throwing himself onto his bed.

he opened instagram, pressing the search tab, before an idea flashed over his mind, "wait," felix left the search tab. "i shouldn't use my main account because i'll look too sus...i'll just use the burner account i made to match usernames with hyunjin instead!" he smiled to himself, pressing the icon to switch to the account 'cheepcheep32'.

felix then went to the search and typed in his desk-partners name, scrolling through multiple accounts for a good ten minutes before stumbling upon a specific account. "hm..." he stared at the private profile with the username 'ilovebread52', "he was eating bread in korean class, so this could possibly be him. too bad the profile picture is just a picture of a random ass place and there's nothing in the bio."

shrugging his shoulders, he decided to go for it and pressed the follow button. the name of the account did have 'yang' as the last name, but felix just thought it was a coincidence. felix couldn't even set his phone down before he got a notification, saying the account accepted his follow request.

gleefully smiling, felix pressed the message button and only typed a message the other person could have some knowledge of.


cheepcheep32 & ilovebread52

i like your hair !!
Sent at 16:08pm

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