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(i'm sorry that it's been a while everyone ☹️)


felix walked down the school hallway, his head hung low. he didn't want to run into anyone he knew, as abnormal as that sounded. the australian boy didn't want to face any of them during the first day of his first year of highschool, until his luck completely went down the drain when he made direct eye-contact with minho.

"hi felix," the older yawned. "we haven't spoken in a while, i'm surprised you even showed up to school today."

the younger shrugged, "it's the first day of high school, so of course i had to come."

"i guess," he blinked. "y'know, they all miss you. i think you should at least say something in the group chat, i think they need it; especially hyunjin."

felix tilted his head, "what happened with hyunjin?"

"uh, well..." minho trailed off, frowning. "he kinda told us about everything that happened and how you screamed at him. apparently you guys liked one another? i mean, good for you for getting over jeongin, he—"

"did hyunjin tell you about how i almost stabbed my uncle to death?" felix was staring at the ground, his hands in fists as tears brimmed the corners of his eyes.

"yeah..." the older trailed off, putting his hand on the younger's shoulder. "look, i know i look and act like i don't care most of the time, but i really care about you, felix. we all understand why what happened, happened. you don't need to avoid us because of it, in fact, we just want you to be the ball of sunshine we know you are. i just want you to go talk to hyunjin; he really misses you."


"hyunjin!" felix tried his best to look as pissed off as he could as he stormed towards the older, but in reality he just wanted to lay in his bed and cry his eyes out. hyunjin looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, before sprinting towards him.

"felix, are you okay?! i hope that asshole didn't do anything to you," hyunjin held felix's hands, but the younger yanked them away from him.

"i don't fucking like you hyunjin, okay?! so leave me the fuck alone and don't talk to me, i don't want to see you ever again!" the australian boy spat, though his heart was shattered when he saw the older's gaze sadden.

the taller looked at him in defeat, "what are you talking about? this isn't the felix i know."

"shut the fuck up! just leave me alone, got it? i. don't. like. you. are we clear?" he shouted, tears threatening to fall down his cheeks from the bruises and scrapes on body and as hyunjin shook his head at him.

"i thought they were wrong about you, lix," the older whispered, his voice breaking. "they said you were an asshole that was also a bully, but i thought you were misunderstood. i thought they were wrong because you showed me how you were a bunch of sunshine. but, i was right until this very moment, i thought we were meant for one another."

felix spun around, his words making him feel extremely guilty, "w-well, you should've listened to them, now fuck off!" he then abruptly rushed away as fast as his injured body let him, sobbing.

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