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(i bought the maxident album and i pulled minsung 💀)

"hey jeongin," the quiet girl next to him suddenly spoke, "do you know what our homework was yesterday?" jeongin turned to face her, who was avoiding eye contact with him.

"uh yeah, we just read pages 143 through 151 in the textbook," he replied.

"thanks," she muttered, leaning down to get the textbook from out of her bag.

"you're welcome, winter."

jeongin looked away from minjeong, who preferred to be called winter, and back to his notebook filled with bullet point notes of the story they were reading in class. he sighed; he just wanted to talk to sooyoung, the girl he suspected to be yves.

"ok everyone, there's only ten minutes left, remember to do your homework when you get home. you can also do whatever you want right now just don't be too loud or whatever," mrs. hirai yawned, pulling out her phone as she sat down at her desk.

"mrs. hirai, when's your wedding? chaeryeong and i wanna go," yuna snickered.

"hell no. why would i invite you guys," she glared at the younger, "i'm already married too, thank you very much."

"wait why do you even teach a korean class, i thought you were japanese," she asked, making a fake shocked face.

"i AM japanese and you're about to get a zero percent on your essay shin yuna if you don't shut the hell up," mrs. hirai aggressively dropped her phone on her desk and crossed her arms.

jeongin watched in confusion as the both of them went back and forth, before getting up and making his way towards the long dark-brown haired girl.

"—and she was like, 'damn girl you're so fine'," sooyoung paused as soon as jeongin made eye contact with her, "oh hello jeongin, what do you want?" heejin was silently sitting next to her, giving jeongin a dirty look.

jeongin pulled out the letter from his pocket, "i just wanted to ask if you were yves and if this was meant for me?"

sooyoung yanked the paper from his hands, scanning over it. "i don't know," she shrugged, giving the letter back, "ask jiwoo, i think she wrote that."

"does jiwoo even know him?" heejin spat, glaring at the taller boy.

jeongin rolled his eyes, "mind your business, heejin."

"i was just asking a question," she retorted, crossing her arms.

"what's with the hostility? jeez," sooyoung scoffed, "but yeah, ask jiwoo 'cause i don't know."

"ok, thanks for some help." jeongin walked back to his seat, sighing.

"heejin was being a real bitch back there," winter didn't look up from the textbook she was reading.

" heard the conversation?" jeongin rapidly turned to face the shorter girl.

she looked up, "yeah, it was kinda impossible not to because they're only a few seats behind us."

"i don't know what she has against me. i've never even spoken to her before," jeongin put his arm under his chin and sighed.

winter bit her lip, blinking, "all i know is that she's friends with wonyoung."

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