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jeongin looked at him defeated, "huh? my mother?"

"your mom...she's mentioned in the book," felix motioned towards the open book laying on the grass.

"i was wondering why that was there," chan thoughtfully looked at him.

"it's just..." felix looked distracted, before he shook his head, "we need to do this now, so don't ask anymore questions and just do as i say, got it?"

"why?" minho crossed his arms, "why the hell are we helping you?"

felix narrowed his eyes at the older, "if you don't want our society to be brutally murdered, i'd shut the shit up if i were you."

"just do as he says minho, so we can go home and sleep!" jisung exasperated, but his words resulted in jeongin and seungmin to burst out laughing at the poor boy.

"f-fuck you! he meant so we could all go back home and go to bed sooner!" minho stomped, the moonlight exposing his extremely red cheeks.

"just ignore them," hyunjin frowned, before turning to felix, "well, what are you waiting for? hurry up."

"right." felix walked out of the circle the boys were standing in, and towards the opened book. jeongin silently watched as he sighed, pulling something out of his pocket while his hand shook, (probably out of anxiety). he held a glowing white-and-red crystal that illuminated his pretty face.

"step back, NOW!" felix yelled as the seven other boys sprinted away, throwing the crystal at the ground, as it opened a dark red portal.

"WHAT THE FUCK? are we about to enter hell?!" hyunjin screeched, resulting in jeongin to immediately shush him because they were, well, in a neighborhood.

"um, what the shit is that," minho pointed at the portal felix was facing, and jeongin noticed how he actually looked horrified for once.

"no we're not entering hell, hyunjin," felix picked up the aquamarine sword, pointing towards seungmin, "you know what to do."

seungmin quickly nodded, running back towards the gate. "where is he going?" changbin couldn't take his eyes off the glowing, dark red portal that felix was standing in front of.

"he has to delete everything about ditto. i told mark how to help him do it, so he's going to go see him right now," felix turned his head to look back at the remaining boys, and damn, jeongin thought he looked hot as hell right now.

jisung fearfully gazed at him, "we have to go through that portal?"

"yeah, pretty much. i mean, it's not that bad. let's go," felix carefully stepped into it, as if he was trying to not make a sound.

jeongin exchanged glances with hyunjin, who looked worrisome. he gave him a small smile, hoping to calm hyunjin's nerves and his at the same time. jeongin then walked towards the portal, making sure to copy felix's exact movement and placing, which only resulted in a smile from the older as he stepped towards him.

they were in a black room, with wooden flooring. there were mirrors on a side of a wall, with a camera placed under them and at the direct center of the ground. jeongin locked eyes with hyunjin again, who mouthed to him, 'this place looks so familiar.'

"you didn't have to do that, you know," felix abruptly whispered in jeongin's ear, his gorgeous smile still on his face.

jeongin playfully rolled his eyes, "i'm not a portal master, ok?"

felix only smiled at him again before immediately masking over to his serious look, "is everyone here?"

jeongin watched as chan counted as if it were a reflex. "yeah we're all here," the older replied.

"ok good," felix closed his eyes, before opening them again to hold a determined look, "keep your voices down and only whisper. if the portal begins to close, start shouting like insane people and i'll reopen it. finally, if i do come back alive, run through the portal as fast as humanly possible because this place will explode when i'm done."

hyunjin's eyes rounded, "why are you talking like that? what are you even going to go do?"

"you'll know if i come back," felix looked at hyunjin with sincerity and placed his free hand on his shoulder, "i'll be alright, this is my battle that i need to fight alone."

changbin tilted his head, "are you saying that you're going to die?"

"no," felix immediately shook his head, "it's always a possibility you could at any moment of your life, that's what i mean."

minho looked at the ground, muttering, "even though you were a dick to us, i want you to stay safe, felix," he then abruptly smirked, "you mean too much to a certain someone here, and i think he would die himself if you died."

jeongin bit his lip, praying to whoever that minho wasn't talking about him. sadly, he couldn't figure it out since he was still staring at the wooden flooring.

felix's face turned bright red, "i-i—um..." he stuttered, clearing this throat, "i must go, and i'm sorry once again."

jeongin watched felix turn to leave, his eyes watering as he held a tight grip to the aquamarine sword. as the freckled boy opened the door on the other side of the room, he walked through and shut it, not looking back. the room was suddenly filled with silence, the six boys frowning, and basically not knowing what to say.

"i said this to jeongin already but, this room honestly looks familiar to me," hyunjin suddenly confessed, rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

"i wonder why..." jisung finally spoke, who has been scarily quiet this the whole entire time, "do you guys think he's—uh—gonna come back?"

"i hope so," chan sighed, "i was thinking about it, but him ruining our—well, he didn't do anything to me, so—your guys' lives probably has something to do with this." he motioned towards the room they were standing in with his hands.

changbin slowly blinked, looking at the ground, "y'know, i do have hope he's going to come back because there's always going to be a part of me that loves him. i know we aren't made for one another, and that it was just another stupid crush of mine, but, there's always going to be a tiny piece of me that cares about and loves him."

"i could say the same." jeongin was starting to feel upset, his friends were opening up at this strange-and-probably-deadly excursion of theirs, and all he was doing was standing there and listening and not talking.

"oh? how so?" changbin tilted his head, looking back up at the younger.

jeongin fidgeted with his hands, not knowing what to say, "i guess when felix asked me why i was helping him, and our little conversation made me reconsider things a little."

that was such a fucking lie, jeongin blinked, well, actually, not really, but why did you say it like that, jeongin?

"i still can't get over that we're standing in this room," minho dramatically sighed, "like what the fuck happened to cause this, it's like 2am."

"i don't kn—" hyunjin was interrupted by a familiar voice screaming very high-pitched, which jeongin immediately recognized.

felix flew open the door, his gorgeous face and whole body covered in blood as his eyes were as wide as the sea, "GO—FUCKING—JUST—RUN TOWARDS THE PORTAL!" he screamed again, gesturing with his arms like a psycho.

everyone then sprinted away, also screaming on the top of their lungs out of fear and confusion. jeongin ran the fastest he has ever in his life, which was surprising since he enjoys running and was the fastest kid in his gym class last year.

he heard explosions coming from behind him, but he kept on running and jumping over debris. jeongin finally jumped out the portal, face-first, as he rolled onto the grass, feeling dazed and pained for a brief second but the adrenaline numbed it.

he immediately sat up, his head blaring as the loud noises coming from everyone and everywhere made it worse. he struggled to watch felix close the portal, the crystal shattering into pieces as it closed.

and then, there was silence.

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