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felix stared down at the worksheet placed in front of him, the korean writing making no sense to him. he contemplated whether or not to ask the quiet boy next to him, as their other three table partners were irritating the freckled boy.

oh my god, felix thought as he side-eyed the boy closest to him who he believed was yang jungwon, can they shut the actual fuck up?

he shook his head, mentally reminding himself to not be so rude to random people, before feeling someone tap his shoulder. felix then turned his whole body in his seat to be greeted with the quiet boy, which felix noticed he resembled a cat, staring directly at him.

"um," he cleared his throat, "do you need help? i saw you haven't done any of the worksheet."

felix stared at him, not responding. he barley understood whatever the hell he just said.

"sorry, my korean isn't that good. i speak english, and i just transferred here," felix replied, gazing at him in sincerity as the other boy slowly nodded.

"oh shit. i'm horrible english, so i can't help," he blinked, not waiting for a response. "what's your name? i'm lee minho."

"i'm lee felix," he flashed him a smile. "you wanna be friends? we have the same surname, so i definitely think we should be bffs." felix joked, his nerves loosening as minho laughed.

"oh my god, of course," minho replied, his cheerful gaze abruptly faded. "you wanna play a game?"

he looked at him in confusion and concern, "um, what?"

"i'll take that as a yes," he smirked, crumbling up a piece of paper. "here, take this." minho handed the paper ball to the younger, who reluctantly took it.

felix didn't know what the hell was going on, "minho, what are we doing?"

"see that ugly bitch over there?" he pointed to the table in front of them. "huh? why are you calling her an ugly bitch?" felix looked over from behind minho, who only rolled his eyes.

"not jang wonyoung, idiot!" minho grabbed felix by the shoulders and spun him to face who he was talking about. "i meant her stupid boyfriend that's sitting next to her, yang jeongin. he's such an asshole, i hate him!"

he didn't respond as minho kept on ranting, "he's the one that has the ugly ass haircut where it looks like he purposely wants to not be able to see—"

felix felt as if the world paused as he locked eyes with that pretty boy, yang jeongin.


"can i sit here?" felix asked two taller boys, who had a empty seat next to them. the math teacher recently decided to change their seats after four months of being in the same ones, yet felix barley knew anyone in that class.

"sure," the tallest boy replied first, before tilting his head. "who are you? i don't think i saw you last year."

felix reluctantly sat down, suddenly feeling embarrassed, "uh, well, i'm lee felix. i moved here from australia a few months ago."

"woah, you're australian? that's so cool!" he leaned over and gazed at him awe, before immediately straightening up. "i'm hwang hyunjin, by the way. my shy friend over here is kim seungmin!" hyunjin attempted to half-hug seungmin, which only resulted in him getting (almost) pushed out of his seat.

felix felt on edge as seungmin only glared at him, causing the older to mentally replay all his conversations that day to make sure he didn't say something offensive. after awhile, he gave up as the other two argued with one another.

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