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"felix, i have to tell you something," hyunjin pulled the australian boy down to sit on the park bench. "it's kinda important, if you don't mind."

felix glanced around, "i have to meet with my uncle soon, but sure! anything for you, hyunjin."

the taller smiled at him, his cheeks tinted red, "it's kinda cold, even though it's only october."

"is that all you had to tell me?!" he playfully crossed him arms, resulting in a laugh from both of the boys.

"no, no!" hyunjin dramatically waved his hand in the younger's face. "you know what they say though, 'my feelings for you, like the memories we share, have grown so big. summer's already gone and it's autumn, been waiting all this time.' and i honestly agree with that quote while being with you right now."

felix's smile slowly dropped, "huh? what do you mean by that? 🤨"

"uh, well, just think about it," the older let out a laugh, clearly embarrassed with his bright red cheeks. "take those lyrics and apply to me with you!"

'my feelings for you'...'have grown'...'been waiting'...the australian boy pondered the words, what kind of philosophical shit did he just tell me?! his eyes then widened, suddenly realizing, oh my fucking god he likes me!

hyunjin stared at him, "hello? lixxxxxx? hello, earth to lee felix—"

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY," he screeched, abruptly sitting up and causing hyunjin to dramatically ascend 1524000 meters.

"are you okay, lix?" the older gazed at him, putting his hand on the younger's shoulder. "'cause that was weird as fuck."

"i think i kinda, you know..." he looked down, fidgeting with his fingers. "i think i kinda, you know, you know, you know." felix repeated in a deeper voice each time, looking back up at the taller, his face as red as the other boy.

"well, if you must know how i feel," hyunjin smiled at him, his face slowly inching towards his. "i can't help dreaming of you, so i guess i'm saying i don't not love you."

felix's eyes widened, "is that what you wanted to tell me?!"

"yeah," he softly laughed. "i don't not love you lix, i've known ever since we both colored and made fun of that dumb math coloring sheet together in our math class last year."

the australian boy shook his head in disbelief, "this can't be happening, i thought we were only friends!"

the taller's face was right in front of his, "people who think they're only friends don't do this."

hyunjin leaned in, his lips gently connecting to felix's as they both kissed. felix's heart was racing and his stomach was fluttering, as he returned the kiss. though he was in a daze, he closed his eyes and took the moment in. after around 30 seconds, they finally leaned back, panting.

"why does this feel so right?" the younger let out at a sigh. "like it's rare that something feels this right."

"we were meant to be," he grinned, taking the australian boy's hand into his. "i had my doubts about being able to tell you my feelings like ever but i'm so glad i finally told you. i thought we would only stay as friends because you like jeongin or whatever—"

"hyunjin," felix interrupted, narrowing his eyes. "i don't like jeongin and i never will, he's an asshat that is unworthy of our time. i've only ever had my eyes on you." well, that's not entirely true, he bitterly thought before shaking his head.

the shorter leaned in, their foreheads touching as felix looked up at him with a soft smile, "i'll always love you, hyunjin. even though we're best friends, we can be more—"

"lee felix, you disgrace!" felix's uncle jungkook hissed from behind where he was sitting with hyunjin. "you told me we would meet up to go pick up your cousin but here you are, kissing a fucking boy! and that boy fucking happens to be hyunjin!" the two boys threw themselves off of another and whipped around to face the enraged man.

"i-i can explain," felix started to shake, feeling horrified from the look on his uncle's face.

"i don't want to hear it you disgusting brat," he stormed around to the front of the bench, yanking felix up from his wrist. "felix, we're leaving and you're never talking to that faggot ever again."

hyunjin stood, grabbing jungkook by the arm, "let go of felix, mr. jungkook! this isn't his fault, it's mine!

"i KNOW it's not his fault because my sister wouldn't have raised such a homosexual in his house," the man yanked his arm from hyunjin's grip, slapping him across the face as felix watched in agony. "it's clearly YOUR fault, so stay away and don't try to turn my nephew into a homosexual, you faggot boy!"

what the fuck?! why is he acting like this? he flinched from the scene, before being pulled away by his uncle. felix stared back as he was being dragged at the boy he loved who was standing still in awe and deep pain. the australian boy didn't even know if he was ever going to see hyunjin again, which pained him.


"dad, look at what i found in felix's room!" heejin sprinted down the stairs and shoved a journal in front of her father jungkook, who was sitting at the dining room table with somi and felix.

"heejin, why were you in his room?" somi narrowed her eyes. "what's in his room is none of your fucking business."

oh fuck no i am so screwed, felix's eyes widened as jungkook took the notebook from his daughter, ignoring his other daughter who actually had a point. the australian boy watched as his uncle opened the book and scanned it, the anxiety causing him to start his habit of scratching his arms with his fingers.

"i don't fucking care about felix! especially what happened to him and his faggot boyfriend at the park; he deserved it," heejin rolled her eyes, walking back up towards the stairs.

somi angrily shook her head, throwing her arms and hands up, "oh my fucking god, she's such an asshole! you need to do something about this dad, she's out of control and you're letting her run her mouth—"

"lee. fucking. felix." jungkook slammed the book down, jumping out of his seat as the chair slammed down to the ground. "you disgusting, homosexual, embarrassment. what the fuck is this behavior?! you told me you would stop acting like your faggot of a best friend because you yelled at him like i forced you to! clearly me beating you last time wasn't enough to teach you a lesson."

felix gulped, petrified; his fight or flight mode was activated and he didn't know what to do or say. jungkook rolled up his sleeves and stormed towards his nephew as felix abruptly ran into the kitchen. he felt confused for a split because he was watching himself do this but that feeling faded immediately as he ran back towards his uncle.

the last thing he knew was him picking up a knife, blood covering his face and hands, somi screaming and heejin crying, the red and blue flashing lights outside, and his uncle and cousins leaving him to live alone.

he heard a feminine voice urging him
to do it all in his mind.

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