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jeongin's front door was open, a "😒" look on his face. he was staring at seungmin who abruptly showed up to his house at twenty-two o'clock at night.

"you want to mother?" he let out a sigh of disbelief.

"yes, it's urgent!" seungmin shouted, resulting in jeongin to immediately shush him.

"keep your voice down! i'm supposed to be on my way to go to work, and she thinks i already fucking left!" jeongin hissed, shutting the door gently from behind him.

"i need to talk to your fucking mom, i have questions about something," seungmin desperately shook jeongin's arm, who only snatched it away.

"if you have questions, i can answer them for her," jeongin began to walk, his annoyed expression not leaving his face.

seungmin ran in front of him and abruptly stopped, causing jeongin to stumble over. "god damnit, was she the one who escaped the ditto?!" he rather angrily asked, causing the younger to look at him bewildered.

"h-how do you know about that?..." he whispered, starting to fidget with the crossbody bag he had on.

"the dance video is still up, millions of people—" jeongin interrupted him, "no, no. how do you know my mother was the one who went missing and that it was even her?"

"i've met your mom before and the girl just looks like an exact younger version of her," seungmin pointed at the screenshot, which only led to jeongin to put on a even more worried gaze, "kang haerin, huh."

jeongin's facial expression changed as he took a step back and hissed, "yes! my mother was kang haerin, are you happy?!"

"what do you mean, 'was'?" seungmin ignored the sudden hostility from the younger.

"she changed her surname to yang when she got married, idiot," jeongin rolled his eyes, "once the song got bland and nobody fucking listened to it anymore, she couldn't let anyone know that she was one of the girls in it so she immediately got married to change her name. my mother literally got married at nineteen, three years after the song came out."

"oh...uh, where are they now?" seungmin looked at him in confusion.

"the other idols or my father?" jeongin blinked.

seungmin bursted out laughing, resulting in jeongin to smack him. "you wanted to know who and i needed clarification!" he retorted at the laughing boy.

"b-b-both—HAHAHXJSGDJAHXKA—" jeongin glared at him, as the information he had to say wasn't amusing.

"shut the fuck up seungmin!" he snapped, luckily making him immediately stop.

"oh god i can't breathe, that was so fucking funny. w-why would i want to hear about your dAD—"

jeongin cut him off, "because he left! not even years after i was born, he left and i don't even know why! i don't even know what he looks like because my mother has refused to show me ever since i was a child!" he dropped his voice to a whisper and his gaze to the ground, "um...about the group, they basically made that one song together and then left the company they were under. the only video that shows proof of them even existing is the one that's still up."

seungmin didn't respond. instead, he turned away, walking down the same path he came from.  quickening his pace, seungmin felt bad for leaving jeongin after he opened up to him like that, but he had information he still needed to find.

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