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sus but we don't about that gang 😥


yongbokie 😻
HIIIII 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🕺🕺🕺🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🗣️🗣️
Opened by 5 people


yongbokie 😻

changbin 👿
Uh hi Yongbok
Why all the emojis

yongbokie 😻
idk i felt like putting them
soooo how's everyone ?

changbin 👿
I don't know
Did you not scroll up?...


"uh..." felix thought out-loud as he blankly stared at the message, currently laying on his bed. "should i play stupid?"

after a brief few seconds, he shrugged his shoulders. what could possibly even go wrong anyways if he did?


yongbokie 😻
no why

changbin 👿

our dog 🤣
There was an argument

yongbokie 😻
dear god not again
did you start it

changbin 👿
Oh look who's back 😶

our dog 🤣
What the fuck you looking at

yongbokie 😻
chill 🤥

changbin 👿
Tf? I didn't say anything

our dog 🤣
Yeah you did you dumbass

changbin 👿
If ur mad bc I agreed with Jisung u need to leave that argument in the past and stop being emo about it
I only sided with him bc he wasn't lying

yongbokie 😻
? what happened with jisung ?

our dog 🤣
I don't care about that anymore why are you bringing it up

changbin 👿
Bc ur clearly still mad and I wanted to tell you my reasoning as to why I chose to do what I did

yongbokie 😻
oh my god BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP GOD DAMN 💀 seungmin you caused everyone to fucking practically die in this gc and they aren't talking anymore and ik i didn't go to school today but ik damn well if you guys don't talk here then you aren't talking irl so you should really shut your mouth and you too changbin idgaf if you're trying to prove your point you also need to shut up now look at what you asshats did they're gonna read this and leave it on open and be even more pissed than they already fucking were because you can't go 5 seconds without having some sort of argument and ik im guilty of that but i was just wanted to say it rn to stop this bullshit we need to learn how to get along this is shitty and needs to stop

changbin 👿
I wasn't trying to argue but I understand...

yongbokie 😻
goodbye now

cute bread 😇
oh no

our dog 🤣
Bruh wtf maybe you should listen to your own words
Oh look who's here after disappearing and ignoring me in class 😊

cute bread 😇
what is your problem?? you looked upset so i didn't bother you

our dog 🤣
I literally tried to talk to you Jeongin now you're playing stupid

cute bread 😇
i'm sorry for ignoring you? i thought you wanted me to

our dog 🤣
New flash: I didn't
Go fuck yourself

changbin 👿
Don't insult him you bitch

our dog 🤣
Stfu nobody asked for your opinion

cute bread 😇
if i wasn't so tired i would insult the shit out of you

our dog 🤣
Ur just weak

changbin 👿
It's a gc I can join the conversation whenever?

our dog 🤣
I don't give a fuck if we're talking in a play I still didn't ask for your opinion

cute bread 😇
seungmin i would stop talking if i were you

our dog 🤣
Opened by 4 people


cat 😒
u guys never shut up do you

yongbokie 😻
MINHO 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️🗣️🕺🙆‍♂️🤸‍♂️🙆‍♂️

cat 😒
FELIX ⁉️⁉️
what tf are those emojis

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