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HELLO EVERYONE I HAVE AMAZING FANTASTIC SPECTACULAR NEWS: i have decided to write a second book!! 😍😜😜😇😇😊 except this time i'm gonna write it all at once and publish chapters every other day or so...



jeongin stood outside the gates of the high school, obviously in his school uniform. he was currently waiting for his friends so they could go watch their older friend walk the stage and graduate. it's so cold out, i'm shitting bricks. despite it being the first week of march, it's COLD, the black-haired boy bitterly thought to himself as he shoved his hands in his pocket, sighing.

the last couple of days have been even more gloomy lately, even though it was now spring and that was supposed to be a beautiful, calming season. maybe jeongin just walks around with a cloud above his head? who knows. if only seungmin were here, the black-haired bit his lip, the thought of his late, silly friend hurting his heart. he would've spewed an insult at me by now.

if you couldn't tell by now, jeongin fucking missed his best friend. he really fucking missed him. even if they acted like they hated each other and would want the other to be killed right at that moment, they still cared for one another. the two of them went through all that shit with their friends and literally only had each other to basically trust.

they would spend their time talking to each during the one class they had together, trying to figure out how to put an end to it all. luckily, the problem solved itself, but at what cost? for jeongin to live with the guilt he could never see his best friend again and that the murderer got away freely?

fuck, yang jeongin, stop thinking about it. you can't cry out in public, the black-haired boy rapidly blinked away his forming tears. besides, you have to look presentable for these people that you're never gonna see again. at hearing the shout of his name, he looked to the left to see all six of the friends he was waiting for.

"hi, innie!" felix smiled at him, causing jeongin to unconsciously smile back at the literal embodiment of sunshine. "did you get here early or something? we tried calling you but you didn't answer."

"yeah, we thought you died!" minho fake cried out. "i mean, i'm not complaining if you did 🤣🤣."

hyunjin raised an eyebrow like how the rock does, quoting the meme in a fake-deep voice, "what do you mean by that."

jeongin furrowed his eyebrows, feeling his pants pocket where he kept his phone. his heart dropped as the black-haired boy suddenly realized that he forgot his phone at home. "i may or may not have forgotten my phone at home..." he trailed off with a blank face.

"i told you guys!" changbin shook his head, crossing his arms. "but nooooooo, don't listen to me and only listen to minho say that he fucking died when that has a slim chance of even happening!"

felix frowned as jeongin painfully noticed that his and hyunjin's hands were intertwined. "you never know, changbin!" the blonde shook his head at the older. "he usually always answers...but you're right, we shouldn't have assumed the worst."

"nah," the younger spoke up. "this wasn't the first time this has happened, i always forget shit."

jisung shook his head disapprovingly at the younger, "you're a dumbass, jeongin! who ever forgets their phone anymore?!"

"yeah, jeongin. ugh, i can't believe you!" hyunjin mocked jisung and sassily pointed at the younger.

jisung give him an angry look before grabbing minho's hand, "he's being a bitch, beat him up!"

"bro you did that to yourself," minho blinked at his boyfriend. "besides, i think you have enough strength to beat the shit out of hyunjin. he just looks like a lanky toothpick."

hyunjin scoffed, crossing his arms, "says you, you stupid bit—"

"oh my god, shut up all of you," changbin interrupted and groaned. "don't we have to go now or some shit?"

"yeah, let's go," felix sighed, as jeongin now noticed he appeared to look down. "we don't want to keep the old man chan waiting!" he suddenly sprang away, dragging hyunjin along with him while leaving everyone to watch in surprise and confusion from the sudden outburst.

changbin raised an eyebrow, "yongbok sure is something else."

"he's just a little silly, goofy guy," minho waltzed away like glitch trap in the ending credits of fnaf help wanted as jisung and changbin followed behind him reluctantly.

"who. the. fuck. am. i. friends. with." jeongin muttered to himself as he began to walk forward himself, not knowing someone overheard him and watched him with curiosity.


is it good ⁉️ i hope it's a good chapter one cause this book is about to be wild let me tell you that omg

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