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(we are fifty years old wow 🙀🙀)

jisung pouted as he stood behind the café counter in boredom. it was extremely slow today, as many of the customers would grab a to-go coffee and immediately leave, resulting in jisung to stand around and do nothing these last few hours.

his manager and number one most hated person ever, jeongin, was happily texting someone on his phone behind him, which led jisung to give him dirty looks every few minutes or so.

"will you get off your phone?!" he finally exasperated, crossing his arms.

jeongin rolled his eyes, looking up from his phone finally. he then ignored his question and instead shooed him away, "go clean the tables if you want something to do that bad."

"you're so annoying!" he hissed in reply, but walked away to grab the cleaning supplies anyways.

jisung ferociously scrubbed, taking his anger out on the poor, innocent tables. as he was on one of the last tables, the cat-bell jingled, signaling someone has walked in.

"jisung?" an all-too-familiar voice began to burst out laughing.

he immediately shot up, turning dark red from the embarrassment of being caught and the eye contact jisung made with the certain person.

"m-minho?!" he flinched, the tone of jisung's voice causing the boy to immediately stop laughing.

"hey, i happened to notice the intense cleaning you were doing there," he smirked in amusement.

"i was told to by that brat over there," jisung rolled his eyes and pointed at where jeongin was sitting, who was now gone.

"who are you talking about?" he frowned.

jisung stood completely still for a solid five seconds before practically sprinting over to the counter. he leaned over, screeching on the top of his lungs while minho stood behind him in bewilderment.

"jeongin??!!? where are you?!!!?!" he didn't want to see jeongin but he thought might as well blame him for the embarrassing shit that happened.

"huh?" jeongin swung the backroom door open, a long-haired, brown-and-white rag-doll cat in his arms.

"i was feeding the cat you insisted on keeping here because he finally came back from outside," jeongin let the cat jump out of arms and onto the counter, to which he immediately went to minho.

"awww, this kitty is so cute. what's his name?" minho sweetly smiled at the cat, petting him gently.

jisung immediately smiled at true interaction, feeling his heart flutter. he felt as if he could watch minho for centuries, how his perfect face held a small smile as he softly gazed at the long-haired animal.

that was until he caught jeongin looking at him with a smirk on his face from the corner of his eye. jisung abruptly snapped out of the trance he was in, feeling his face heat up again.

"well, do you want to tell us his name jisung?" jeongin taunted, leaning over the counter.

jisung gulped, praying to whoever above that he doesn't die in the next five seconds from embarrassment, "i n-named him lee know."

jeongin covered his mouth to stifle his laugh and ran away into the backroom, but jisung ignored the younger's stupidity. he instead watched minho intently as he still pet the cat, but his eyes gave it away that he was lost in thought. a few seconds later, he looked up from lee know to jisung, catching the latter off guard.

"that's a cute name for the cat," minho abruptly stated.

"really?!" jisung exclaimed, before throwing his hands up to cover his face.

minho let out a small laugh, scooting closer towards him. "don't cover your face, jisung."

"sorry it's a habit," he blinked, the probably obvious blush on his face still apparent.

"you know what they say," minho tilted his head, lowering his voice.

"what?" jisung furrowed his eyebrows at the sudden complexion change.

"you can't resist it. even when you struggle, you'll dance to my spell."


jisung is sus for minho omfg he named a cat after him 🤔🤔🤔🤔)

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jisung is sus for minho omfg he named a cat after him 🤔🤔🤔🤔)

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