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(new book cover :))

"you know, i've been listening to this one song recently," hyunjin suddenly spoke, causing seungmin's mind full of thoughts to clear as they walked.

"its called ditto," he continued on, "you should listen to it, the lyrics are quite relatable."

"'relatable'?" seungmin raised an eyebrow at the taller boy.

"yeah," he replied, "its an older song, but they were around fifteen years old when it was released. theres also a myth that says one of the five idols in the video disappeared randomly one day as thats the only song they ever sang and released together."

seungmin stopped, giving hyunjin a questioning look, resulting in hyunjin to stop as well as he gazed at him with curiosity. "this is so confusing, who are you even talking about?" he sighed.

hyunjin shrugged and began to walk again, "look up the song on youtube and you'll see what i'm talking about. i only like it for the lyrics and instrumental, as i don't really give a shit about the whole myth thing."

he narrowed his eyes at him, before continuing to catch up to hyunjin. the two boys walked more, before stopping in front of a certain house. seungmin turned away from the older, but was stopped as hyunjin grabbed his arm.

"hey seungmin," he abruptly began to rub his arm sheepishly, "i do actually want you to listen to the song. as i..." hyunjin trailed off and looked towards the ground, his face slowly becoming more red each second.

seungmin looked at him, perplexed. "why are you turning red? are you ok?" he titled his head, ignoring the feeling of his face heat up as well.

he vigorously shook his head, "no, no! i'm f-fine. its just the song reminds me of you, that's all i was trying to say." seungmin opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off.

"okbyeseungminseeyoutomorrowhopefully!" seungmin didn't even know what he said as it was all jumbled together. he watched the older sprint away, fling open his front door, and slam it shut.

seungmin let out a small "hm" of amusement, before turning away to walk towards his house, which was conveniently down the very same street.


stay in the middle. like you a little, don't want no riddle. say it, say it back, oh, say it ditto. can't wait 'til the morning, so say it, ditto.

seungmin narrowed his eyes as he watched the old video of the girls' dance, instantly understanding why hyunjin likes the song. the vocals and well thought out instrumental is what made the song beautiful.

my feelings for you like the memories we share have grown so big. summer's already gone and it's autumn, i've been waiting all this time.

what did he mean by the song reminding him of me? this sounds nothing like what i would do, he bit his lip, still concentrating on the five girls. seungmin was trying to figure out the song, but he couldn't quite figure out the underlying meaning.

do you want somebody? like i want somebody? you smiled at me but do you think about me now, yeah? all the time, yeah, all the time.

his eyes widened a bit at the first line, understanding it frighteningly well despite it being in english. he shook his head as he continued to listen.

i got no time to lose. i had a long day, i miss you. ra-ta-ta-ta echoes my heart. i got nothing to lose. i like you, ooh-woah, ooh-woah, ooh-woah. ra-ta-ta-ta echoes my heart. but i don't want to.

seungmin slammed the laptop shut, the song slowly fading out. his heart was racing as his mind finally began to connect the mental puzzle pieces. he realized two things that day, who the missing girl was and why hyunjin thinks about him while listening to ditto.

(i am a very big ditto enthusiast 👍)

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