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(i have a love-hate relationship with these flashback chapters bc it gives me a lot of freedom to create a complex back story but it also requires a lot more thinking because i have to make sure it goes with shit i wrote about previously)


felix was walking around a park, the cold november air felt enjoyable, (to him, at least). he glanced around the area, couples, families, mostly everyone was here. until, he heard someone call out his name. he turned around to where a familiar feminine voice came from, his heart dropping.

"somi..." he trailed off, staring at the now-blonde girl who sitting on a park bench, staring up at him. the australian boy reluctantly walked up to his cousin, sitting down next to her.

"felix, i haven't seen you in months. are you alright?" she turned her body to face him. "the last time i saw you was at school, but i haven't seen you in the hallways since then. even yunjin has stopped talking about you to me."

the younger averted his gaze to avoid her solemn gaze, "yeah, i've been living, i guess. how have you been?" i don't know what to say, felix bit his lip. i haven't seen her in so long and i don't know if she's still pissed at me.

the blonde briefly nodded, "your korean has improved a lot, is your friend hyunjin doing good?"

felix shrugged, "i think he's fine, he's kinda still on edge sometimes. and thanks, i've been getting help from one of my friends who's also australian."

"oh, is it chan? he's like the school's genius," she half-smiled at him. "hey, look at my hair! is there something different about it?"

somi pointed to her hair, the saddened expression on her face was long gone which felix gravely appreciated because he was starting to feel bad. he obviously did notice it because it was the first drastic change to his older cousin, but he looked back at her and went along with it anyways, "yes to both questions, your hair looks good blonde. i think it matches you well."

"aw thanks," the older let out a small laugh. "honestly, i've missed talking to you, even after what happened. i know he's my dad and all but i was absolutely horrified for you and i'm kinda glad you did what you did." she put her hand on the australian boy's shoulder, her smile now sad again.

felix frowned, fidgeting with his fingers, "really? i thought you would hate me forever for what i did. how's he doing anyways? is he even alive..."

somi sighed, "he's alive and in physical therapy currently so he can't work. heejin and i work at mcdonald's so we can pay the bills while he's out. i don't mind though, i'm leaving those assholes soon anyways." she clearly noticed the younger's uncomfortable facial expression so she changed the topic, "how are aunt somin and uncle taemin doing? dad says she's refused to talk to him because she somehow found out what he did to you."

(yes i made his motherfucking mom somin from kard and dad THE taemin i'm running out of ideas 💀)

"i haven't spoken to them in a while but i think they're fine," he let out a sigh of relief from his mother believing him and not her brother. "what do you mean you're leaving soon?"

somi's eyes widened as her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment, "so, uh, funny story. yunjin wanted to take me to new york city one day so i was like, 'hey, should we apply to nyu? we probably won't even get in but it'll be funny to apply!' yeah...turns out we were both extremely wrong and we both got accepted, so we've accepted the invite and are leaving for the united states as soon as we graduate 👍."

his jaw dropped, "you're going to NEW YORK CITY? holy shit somi, that's amazing! i hope it's as cool as it looks."

the older laughed, "of course, i'll send you pictures on insta all the time!" she softly smiled at him, before getting up, "i gotta go to work now, but maybe i'll see you around?"

the australian boy also got up, "maybe, if i'm not as crazily preoccupied as i have been."

she pulled him in for a hug, "alright, bye felix. make sure to come to my graduation so i can give you one last hug!" somi then walked away, swinging her gray canvas bag over her shoulder as felix watched with melancholy, knowing that he may never see his cousin again.


(btw none of this supposed to be in order (unless stated in that memory) and/or make sense bc it's fragmented memories from felix's unconscious that he's explaining to the 7 other members 😊 there's also obviously more to the story but you don't know that 'cause this is only from felix's POV HAHA)

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