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(hey...i know it's been a while but trust me, there will be more updates soon. i'm alive and well, and i've missed you all sm!! <33 tysm for waiting and enjoy this mental breakdown of a chapter bc we love drama here ! 😈)

hyunjin threw his phone across his bedroom. it hit his desk chair and fell, right under the legs. he looked around in anguish, as if the world was slowly crumbling around him. nothing has been going right for him these last few months.

he just found out his best friend was moving away. far far away. hyunjin needed to let these emotions out. he had always been horrible at keeping secrets, only putting up a front as if he was actually good at it.

hyunjin thought it would be best if there were no secrets. what if everyone knew about a certain piece of information? how could anybody be possibly mad at him for keeping it away from a certain person? despite this mindset, it would go to hell every single time. but, he did it again anyways.

and again.

and again.

though he may be responsible for all the huge arguments in the group, it never really stopped him. hyunjin never wanted to hurt them, he only wanted everyone to know what was going on.

maybe that's why they stopped telling him shit...

after pondering for a while, he realized he needed to do something. hyunjin decided he was going to do what he always did. it's the only thing he "knows how to do", right?!

according to felix, it's all hyunjin does.


lee felix.

the boy that broke his trust. he's the epitome of hyunjin's downfall. hyunjin loved felix, more than words could ever describe. they were one another's best friends. that was no more though. felix clearly let out his hidden feelings about hyunjin.

a dark winter now settled where his platonic feelings for felix once were.

hyunjin shook his head and laughed. everyone hated him! it was all because of felix. felix told everyone about his utter hatred for him!

he got up from his bed and walked over to his phone. hyunjin picked it up off the floor, delicately wiping the screen. he turned his phone on, notifications pouring onto his lock screen. there were messages from the group chat, various dms from chan, jisung, changbin, and minho. even some jeongin.

only one name stuck out to him though.

hyunjin briefly paused, frowning. would this even be right the thing to do? he contemplated, but shook his head. he made up his mind. felix deserved to get the same shit treatment he gives to everyone else. if it had to be from him to expose felix to everyone else, then so be it.

with a smirk, hyunjin swiped up.

he needed to tell someone about how shitty lee felix was.

he needed to tell changbin.

(omg ngl villain hyunjin is slayingggggggg)

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