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felix stood looking out on the school balcony, the various trees and roads stretched out below him. his grim expression not leaving his face as he turned away, walking back towards the doors that led to the inside of the school that haunted him the most.

though it was his third and last year at this wretched place, felix couldn't help but to ignore what happened at this very school. the newly blonde-haired boy couldn't bring himself to think about that day. he walked through the hallways, the classrooms surrounding him were full with students, quite obvious that he was skipping class but who gives a shit. until, he caught a glimpse of where everything started.


"according to the autopsy, seungmin was stabbed in the esophagus with an unidentifiable weapon, but they assume the murderer used a dagger," hyunjin muttered, gazing at felix who only looked at him with disbelief.

"what?! how do they not know what weapon was used for fucks sake? how do they not know who killed him?" the younger threw his hands up in exasperation, his rage slowly starting to rise.

the older grabbed the brown-haired boy's hands and intertwined them with his, "lix, calm down. freaking out about this isn't going to do anything about this."

felix didn't take his hands out of the taller's grip as he let out a sigh, knowing he was right, "y'know, you're taking this a little bit too well."

"i've just had time to process it, that's all." hyunjin dropped one hand and abruptly began to walk, practically dragging the younger and almost making him fall over.

the brown-haired boy scowled, tripping over a lowkey kinda big ass rock, "hey! a little warning would've been nice!"

"calm down babe," hyunjin let out his sweet laugh, causing felix's heart to immediately swoon because he's down bad for this lanky boy. "you'll thank me later for this."


"felix?" cat-like eyes stared at the blonde-haired boy, resulting him to flinch out of surprise and snap him out of the weird ass trance he was in.

"i—huh—what?" felix shook his head and rapidly blinked, finally noticing minho was the one standing in front of him.

"what are you doing out here, standing and staring at our old history classroom?" the older raised an eyebrow at him, gazing at him with curiosity. "also, i haven't seen you in, like, weeks."

the younger let out a sigh, "do you ever miss him?"

the brown-haired boy looked taken aback, "w-who are you talking about?"

"you know who i'm talking about," the freckled boy didn't look at him as he brushed past the older. "i thought you out of all people would understand."

"i..." minho trailed off as he stood there attempting to make up a comeback, before rushing towards felix. "it's not jisung's fault he had to leave seoul, his parents are batshit crazy."

the blonde-haired boy stopped, a smirk widening on his features. "so you finally admit what happened?" he raised his eyebrows, wanting minho to continue talking.

"are you ok?" the older abruptly asked and gave him a 'wtf' look. "like, first, you dyed your hair and now you're asking me weird ass questions."

the younger blankly stared at him, "i don't know what you're talking about."

he narrowed his cat-like eyes, "forget it. if you want answers to your questions, then i suggest you to stop acting weird as fuck." minho began to turn away, but the freckled boy stopped him.

felix rolled his eyes, "everything has been different since school started! like, doesn't that rub you the wrong way or something?"

"do you really want me to answer that?" minho frowned, tilting his head. "i don't know about you, but i just personally ignore it."

"bro what," the younger furrowed his eyebrows. "do you ever think about what would it be like if they didn't leave?"

the older flashed him a look of hurt for a split second, before immediately covering it with a blank expression, "yongbok, i don't know what you're trying to accomplish right now, but nothing is gonna be the same. this is our last year of high school and if the three of them are gone, they're gone."

the freckled boy didn't respond, knowing deep down the brown-haired boy was right. "you just have to keep on acting like everything's alright because they're not coming back into our lives," minho then looked at him bitterly. "at least you have hyunjin with you."

i don't think i've ever heard him talk that serious before, felix blinked as he watched the older abruptly walk away. though a part of him wanted to believe minho, he couldn't help but scowl at how he just wanted to continue his life as if jisung didn't just leave him alone.

maybe that's why he said that comment about hyunjin before he left, the blonde then sighed to himself and walked down the hall.

this was going to be one hell of a school year.

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