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"huhhhhhh? seungmin? what are you doing in the library?" a deep yet energetic voice spoke from behind him.

seungmin was crouched down, his eyes intently searching a lower shelf of books. he whipped his head around to be greeted with one of people he never wanted more to see less.

"um, looking for a book," seungmin replied, turning his gaze back to the shelf.

"oh my god, i was too! it's also in the 'D' section too, what a coincidence!" felix smiled, crouching down next to seungmin who only gave him a disgusted look.

the girl was standing behind the crouched seungmin, as if she was keeping guard of him. she crossed her arms and glared at felix, "is this the bitch you were telling me about?"

she lifted her leg as if she was just going to stomp on him, but seungmin jumped up in time to stop her. "don't do that hyejoo," he scolded, "we're out in public."

felix looked up at him, "uh, who are you talking to? there's nobody named 'hyejoo' here."

"don't worry about it, just find your book and go," he sighed, shaking his head.

hyejoo tilted her head, "i think he's looking for the same book as you."

seungmin gazed at her in concern before turning back to look at felix, "um...what book are you looking for? i—uh—could probably help you look for it or something."

"i would love for you help! it's a book called "ditto" published by this psychological researcher named jang chaeyoung. it was published in the 2000's or something!" he cheered, but quickly stopped smiling as seungmin looked at him in bewilderment.

"well, what if i told you i'm looking for the same book," seungmin rubbed his arm in embarrassment.

felix shrugged, "we can just look for it together, it's not big deal!"

hyejoo began to slowly back away and fade, wanting no part of what was going to happen. seungmin rolled his eyes, knowing that this was going to be a long day.


"how long has it been?! we've been searching for forever!" he pouted, looking at his watch.

he sighed in response, "it's clearly not here, we should go."

"maybe we can ask the front desk person if they can search for it?" felix tilted his head, leaving seungmin no choice but to go with his idea since he was also out of ideas.

felix and seungmin walked past the tall book shelves, finally making it to the desk where they usually checked out books. they looked around, not seeing anyone there.

"hello? is anyone here?" foot-steps started to become louder from the left.

"hi, i can check out your books..." the voice trailed off as soon as they caught sight of the two people standing in front of the front desk.

fuck, they mentally cursed, it's the two people i did NOT want to see!

"hiiiii jeongin!" felix sweetly smiled, earning him an annoyed look from the younger.

"yeah, yeah, whatever," he walked behind the desk, turning to look at seungmin, "what can i do for you two, since you clearly don't have books."

"well, we were looking for a specific book," seungmin explained, "and we were wondering if you had it?"

jeongin rolled his eyes, "what book is it?"

"ditto by jang chaeyoung!" felix chimed in, as jeongin narrowed his eyes at him.

"i've read that recently," he shook his head, "it's a bunch of bullshit. it's just a myth about this gang in the 1990's of four girls who wear rabbit hats and harm and murder people for fun. apparently they also murdered the other rabbit, but i don't believe any of it."

felix stared at him in awkward silence as seungmin cleared his throat, "oh...uh, why did you read it?"

what seungmin said must've hit a nerve because jeongin quickly looked away from him and towards the ground.

"i kinda lied. it wasn't recent, it was like two years ago," he frowned, "i read it 'cause my only ex told me it was an exceptionally well-written book. but, it just turns out that she just wanted me to because her mother was the one who wrote it."

felix tilted his head, "who's your ex, jeongin?"

"why should i tell you?!" he hissed.

"jeez, i was just asking..." felix crossed his arms.

"no but seriously, who is it? i—er—we could use this information," seungmin stared intently, his word choice catching both jeongin and felix off-guard.

jeongin narrowed his eyes, "why do you want the book, seungmin?"

he bit the inside of his cheek, "i have a plan, okay?"

"i have one too," felix spoke up, "but i kinda sorta promised hyunjin i would tell him it only when i'm finally done."

"what the fuck are you two talking about?" jeongin exasperated, "it's literally a myth, so i don't understand why you have such complicated things regarding it."

felix tightened his fists as he looked at the younger, his anger slowly rising, "i'm forbidden to tell anyone! i don't owe anyone an explanation about it, especially you. so, i would shut the fuck up if i were you."

"i just wanted to do research about the underlying meaning of the song hyunjin recommended me to listen to..." seungmin shook his head, turning away as if he was about to leave.

"thanks for nothing, jeongin," felix hissed.

"holy fuck, fine!" he threw his hands up, "my ex is jang wonyoung and her mother is jang chaeyoung. you're probably never going to get the chance to speak to her since she's a well-known psychological researcher, hence why the book is exceptional," jeongin continued, "i still have it hidden in my room, so we can go to my house to get it, i guess. besides, you wouldn't find a book like that it in a simple library like this one."

felix grinned at the younger, "thanks a lot jeongin, now let's go!"

seungmin tilted his head, "you dated wonyoung?"

"yes!" he hissed, "that was in the past, i hate her now. also, if you truly wanted to talk to her about her mom or to her mom, you would need to be close friends with her and go to her house or something."

jeongin glanced at felix, "i'm still extremely pissed at you because of what you did. just because i'm helping you, doesn't mean you're off the hook."

"i know!" felix looked warmly at the younger.

the three of them turned away from the desk and walked out of the front doors of the library; a sunset present in the sky.

felix suddenly cleared his throat, his voice as deep as the sea, "when we get the book, i need you two to call the rest of our—i mean—your friends over. i need help with what i'm going to do, it's very urgent and i'll explain soon."

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