thank you

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after LITERAL MONTHS, this fanfic is finally completed. :)

honestly, thank you all SO MUCH for reading! i didn't expect for this to blow up and get 8k reads like omg?? i truly don't know how to express how grateful i am for everything.

i didn't have a plan for this story when i started writing it, so i guess i let it move along by itself to where we ended with seungmin's funeral. some people just move on differently we can tell with hyunjin...SORRY OMG, but yes they're all a bit crazy obviously.

(at least i spared the details of how he died)

i don't know if i'll make a second book, since i barley even had time to finish this one. so if i do make a second book, i'll update this one to let you all know!

thank you once again for sticking around,

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