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"hey innie!" minho abruptly hopped into his seat next to jeongin, aggressively slamming down on it.

"um...what are you doing?" jeongin deadpanned, the older a bit too peculiar for him.

"i saw felix standing outside the classroom," minho blinked, "so i asked him how his day was going and as soon as he began talking, i jumped away and into my seat." he smirked, clearly proud of the mean stunt he pulled on their ex-friend.

jeongin slowly nodded, a confused look on his face. "good job i guess?" he gave him a thumbs-up, "i wanted to talk to jiwoo."

"who the fuck is that?" minho furrowed his eyebrows.

"the girl that literally sits right behind us!—"

"uh, jeongin? why are you pointing at me?" jiwoo suddenly spoke, a perplexed look on her face as the two boys turned to face her.

minho shrugged, "jeongin said he wanted to talk to you." minho turned back around, not wanting to be apart of whatever was about to happen.

jiwoo titled her head, "oh? about what?" she asked, her eyes rounded with curiosity.

jeongin took out the folded letter from his pocket and handed it to her. "i was wondering if you wrote this?" he sighed, starting to get annoyed from all the social interactions he had to do with people he didn't like.

she carefully took the letter from him, reading it over. minho began to slowly turn back to the two of them, suddenly interested as to what she had to say.

"oh i remember now, i did write this for you!" she exclaimed, "i was asked to invite you to yves's and i's party from my friend wonyoung, who was told to ask me by her friend felix, who told her that he's friends with you and the other people!" jiwoo handed the paper back to him, "i don't know who wrote the threat on it though..." she laughed, a joyful smile plastered on her face.

jeongin's heart dropped. there was no way in hell that felix was up to all of this. minho furrowed his eyebrows, glancing at jeongin who looked like he was about to start screaming at any given moment. jiwoo must've noticed the sudden atmosphere change as her smile dropped.

"is something wrong?" she began, "the seven of you don't have to go to the party. i know we aren't the best of friends, but it was just a suggestion—"

jeongin cut her off, "jiwoo, nothings wrong. it's just something personal. thanks for the invite anyways."

"oh...okay," she gave him one last concerned look, before returning back to the worksheet she was writing on prior.

jeongin turned back around, letting a breath out he didn't even know he was holding in. he glanced at minho, who seemed uneasy and uncomfortable about the whole situation. minho suddenly made eye contact with him, his whole complexion suddenly gone.

"i don't know what that was about," minho shrugged, now looking unbothered.

jeongin frowned, "are you going to that party?"

"don't know," he blinked, "well, honestly, i might. you know none of us have been to a party before, right?"

"what? why?" jeongin furrowed his eyebrows.

minho abruptly let out a laugh, causing jeongin to flinch and mutter out a profanity. "why the hell are you laughing?!" he scowled, the whole class now starting to side-eye the two boys.

"people hate us, jeongin. i'm surprised you've never seen it happen back in middle school, but we used to get bullied," minho began, "probably because you hung out with the popular kids, and with that really bitchy and pretty girlfriend you had." he rolled his eyes as jeongin felt himself get heated up at the mention of those times.

he narrowed his eyes, "why do you have to bring that up? i deeply regret associating with any of those people."

minho opened his mouth to respond, but jeongin continued as the bell rang, "i'm so sorry for whatever i wasn't there to witness, whether i would've stopped it or not." he sarcastically said, while getting up and packing up.

"jeongin, are you serious? what are you talking about? do you not remember being an asshole to us?!" minho exasperated, following behind jeongin as he walked out the classroom.

"what are you talking about?! it's in the past, minho," jeongin sent him a death glare, "go worry about you and your boyfriend's issues instead."

minho stopped dead in his tracks as jeongin pushed past him, his anger too influential on him to care about the hurtful words he just told the older boy. jeongin knew he shouldn't have touched at such a difficult topic, but minho pissed him off more than he would like to admit.

he hated his middle school self. no, he hated himself. it's his fault everything that happened, happened. if he could go back in time, he would. he would've stopped all of this. he could've stopped meeting all those assholes from middle school, he could've stopped meeting felix.

maybe everyone would finally stop being miserable if he left and was never around them?

jeongin felt tears well in his eyes, he was so lonely. he hated it. he hated it so much. jeongin had no one to blame but himself. he tried to talk to people, but they ended up either not staying for long or breaking his heart for their pleasure.

it was a painful process, feeling unloved for so long from others that you begin to hate yourself. it's the treacherous and sad cycle jeongin was going through, leading him to act like an asshole to everyone when he did truly try to care.

sure, he used to have felix, but his outrageous actions made him hate felix. yet, jeongin missed the shorter boy. he missed felix so much. felix made jeongin feel loved and everything he was missing, and he could never feel that again because of what happened.

as he walked, rain began to slowly pour down, leading him to mutter a few curse words to himself because he had no umbrella with him. shaking his head, the tears he held in for so long finally went down his cheeks as he kept on walking, thinking about felix.

he didn't care as to where he ended up, he just wanted to get away from everyone and everything.

he prayed to god that they would finally be relieved without him.

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