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(a cute lil chapter bc why not 🤭)


"i'm not gonna lie, i'm about to shit my pants minho," jisung dramatically threw his hands up in defeat from where he was sitting in the passenger's seat of minho's car.

minho furrowed his eyebrows, not taking his eyes off of the road, "why? my parents aren't that bad nor are they homophobic, so don't worry jisung, they'll love you."

"we aren't even—like—officially dating minho. are they gonna be mad about that?" the younger frowned. "i don't even know if you actually like, like me..." he whispered the last part to himself, but minho clearly heard him.

he swiftly turned his head to look at him when they stopped at a red light, placing his right hand on jisung's thigh, "jisung, don't say that when it's clearly not true. you confessed to me—"

the younger shook his head, interrupting him, "but you didn't say anything! that's the thing!"

the older rolled his eyes, turning back to gaze at the road, "you didn't let me finish my sentence. do you not remember that day? i literally told you i felt the same and then i kissed you!"

"you're like the most densest person i know, so how the hell was i supposed to tell if it was true," jisung groaned, trying his hardest to not focus on minho's hand still on his thigh.

"and you're like the most oblivious," he tilted his head back-and-forth to mock him, as jisung only narrowed his eyes at him. "i'm not trying to fight with you right before we go see my parents, so should i retell to you the oh-so special memory you're clearly confused about?"

jisung slouched down, crossing his arms as he turned to look towards the window, "fine."


"why are we at a park jisung," minho glanced around, following behind the younger as he led the two boys down a dirt path. "it's cold as hell—"

"shush!" he turned to look back at him with furrowed eyebrows. "you'll see soon enough and besides, the chilly november air is nice."

minho sighed in defeat as he kept on walking behind the brunette boy, who turned a corner. the older looked around in confusion as the younger then abruptly grabbed his hand and pulled him towards wherever he went. his eyes widened as he was met with a secluded pond lit gently by the sunlight, surrounded by multiple oak trees and overgrown grass and flowers.

"wow..." minho walked towards where jisung was sitting near the tree. "how did you find this?"

the brunette scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "well, to start off, we're actually in the forest that's behind hyunjin's house, not a park." he then began panicked as the older's facial expression suddenly changed as he reluctantly sat down next to him, "i found it back in middle school when he and i got into an argument and i just always walk here when i need to be alone from everyone..." jisung tugged at the top of his black converse as the older tried to understand his clearly personal reason.

minho then curtly nodded, "i think that's pretty amazing, but why did you show me when it's your spot only?" his whole body was facing jisung as he tilted his head at him; his cheeks dusted with pink.

"i—uh—well—haha, that's a great question!" jisung let out an awkward laugh as minho watched his face turn red. "and i'm about to answer it." his tone suddenly changed to a serious, almost deep one which confused the older even more.

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